
Massachusetts马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特大学正计划建立一个新的学术课堂大楼。The five-story, 150,000-sq-ft building will contain seating for 1,800 students and offices for the communication, journalism and linguistics programs as well as TV studios, editing rooms, film screening rooms, and speech-perception and auditory-phonetics labs. The building has been designed by Burt, Hill. Construction is expected to start in September 2011 and be completed by January 2014. The estimated construction cost is $85 million.马萨诸塞大学,阿默斯特校园中心路360号,01003。

South DakotaOglala Sioux部落计划建立一个新的justice center在派恩山脊。这座93,000平方英尺的建筑将容纳部落法院,总检察长和公共授权办公室,执法办公室,有64张成人和18张少年床的惩教所以及部落警察的住房。它将设有一个圆形的室外庭院,这将是恢复性司法仪式的所在地。它是由由风险建筑师和站立石设计组成的团队设计的。Gruen Associates/Beezley Management担任建筑管理/项目咨询团队。预计建设将于2011年秋季开始,大约需要15个月。估计的建筑成本为4000万美元。Gruen Associates/Beezley Management, 23632 Calabasas Rd., Calabasas, Calif., 91302.


Arizona亚利桑那州立大学选择了加博尔·罗兰(Gabor Lorant)建筑为新的设计服务娱乐设施在凤凰城市中心,设有大型健身房,举重室,室内轨道,更衣室和休闲游泳池。估计的建筑成本为1330万美元。Gabor Lorant Architecture, 3100 N. Third Ave., Phoenix, 85013. DR#11-00417707.

加利福尼亚The Ohlone Community College District has selected Gilbane Building Co. to provide program and construction management services for its Bond Measure G Program. Projects include classroom and laboratory renovations, seismic and safety upgrades, and disabled access improvements. The estimated construction cost is $349 million.Gilbane Corporate, 7 Jackson Walkway, Providence, RI 02903.

FloridaThe University of South Florida has selected Skanska USA Building Inc. to provide construction management services for the renovation of the 250,000-sq-ftSun Dome Arena and Convocation Center在坦帕。该项目包括东部建筑的扩展,新的优惠和在大厅层面上的洗手间,经过改装的东南和西南条目以及中央洪记分牌。估计的建筑成本为2850万美元。Skanska USA Building Inc.,4030 Boy Scout Blvd.,Tampa,33607。

乔治亚州乔治亚融资和发票estment Commission has selected EMC Engineers Inc. to provide construction management-at-risk services for the new, 80,000-sq-ft医疗技术大楼在格里芬的南部新月技术学院的项目。估计的建筑成本为1450万美元。EMC Engineering Inc., 23 E. Charlton St., Savannah, 31412.

爱达荷州The Coeur d'Alene tribe has selected Wenaha Construction Management to provide owner's representative services for the newBenewah Medical Center.该项目需要建在Plummer的六英亩土地上的47,000平方英尺的建筑物。估计的建筑成本为1100万美元。Wenaha Construction Management,72018 Patawa Rd。,Pendleton,俄勒冈州97801。

爱荷华州Myrtue医疗中心已向Hawkins Construction授予了一份1250万美元的合同,以执行扩张和翻新项目。医院在哈兰。该项目需要翻新17,000平方英尺,其中将包含专业诊所和两个外科套房。霍金斯建筑公司(Hawkins Construction Co.

New York开发商Ciminelli Real Estate Corp.希望本月开始工作Bethune Lofts.该项目需要进行空置的Bethune Hall大楼的转换,这是位于布法罗大街2915号的四层楼,98,000平方英尺的建筑物,设有85套公寓,设有12英尺至14英尺的天花板。该项目涉及新窗户,外部砌体维修和清洁,物业后部的新入口,健身设施和148辆汽车的停车位。LPCiminelli将担任建筑经理。该项目的价值为850万美元。LPCiminelli, 2421 Main St., Buffalo, 14214. DR#11-00433657.


Arizona 7/28亚利桑那州运输部正在寻求资格为开发一项初步的工程范围报告Black Mountain Boulevard从迪尔谷路(Deer Valley Road)到菲尼克斯(Phoenix)的索诺兰林荫大道(Sonoran Boulevard)的未来十字路口的Cave Creek Road。所需的工作包括准备环境文档和清除率,以及从51号州际公路连接到Mayo Boulevard的Black Mountain Boulevard部分的最终设计。估计的建筑成本为2450万美元。亚利桑那州运输部,凤凰城205 S. 17th Ave.,85007。

俄勒冈州8/10退伍军人事务部正在寻求竞标者代替床205at the VA Southern Oregon Rehabilitation Center and Clinics, located in White City. The project includes construction of a two-story, 26,000-sq-ft building. The project has been valued at between $5 million and $10 million.Dept. of Veterans Affairs, 1601 E. Fourth Plain Blvd., Vancouver, Wash. 98661. DR#11-00453177.

Alaska 9/15The Alaska Railroad Corp. is seeking bidders to carry out the first segment of the麦肯齐港口轨道支线扩展project. The project entails constructing 2.1 miles of new rail embankment, with alternates that may comprise an additional 2.6 miles. Furthermore, the bi-modal bulk facility—a bulk loading and unloading facility—will be expanded to 78 acres from 57 acres. Also, a half-mile-long gravel road will be built. The project includes clearing and grubbing, excavation and grading, installation of culverts and permanent stabilization structures. The project is valued at between $5 million and $15 million.阿拉斯加铁路公司,327 W. Ship Creek Ave.,安克雷奇,99501。DR#11-00493661。

夏威夷9/15檀香山市和县正在寻求竞标者建造Ala Moana Wastewater Pump Station force mains Nos. 3 and 4。This project involves constructing approximately 7,500 ft of dual 60-in.-dia force-main sewer pipes that will flow from the Ala Moana Station across the Fort Armstrong Channel, through the Sand Island State Recreation Area and then connect to the existing reinforced-concrete-pipe force mains. The pipes will be installed inside a suitable jacking casing pipe installed by microtunneling. The cost of this project is valued at $165 million。檀香山市和县,预算和财政服务部,ATTN:Wendy Imamura,530 S. King St.,檀香山,96813。DR#11-00538310。