受到威胁,屈服于侮辱 - 许多妇女面临重大障碍,但升至运输界的顶端。“地面上的靴子,董事会中的平底鞋”(莱文/克鲁尼克人)似乎是针对特定观众的利基书籍。但是,包括前联邦高速公路管理局负责人玛丽·彼得斯(Mary Peters)和前联邦航空管理局(Jane Garvey)的18名妇女的故事具有天生的吸引力。

通过WTS International,Grace Crunican和Liz Levin与主题联系并采访了主题。这些故事通常是戏剧性的:拉弗恩·弗朗西斯·里德(Laverne Francis Reid)因家庭暴力受伤而失去了交通交通管制的工作;她的两个儿子在交通事故中死亡。与悲伤以及性别歧视和种族主义作斗争,她达到了FAA的最高排名。

The book is a paean to the women it chronicles, not an objective or critical collection of mini biographies. Speaking of the book’s impetus, the authors state that, while “women do lead agencies, authorities and corporations … the numbers in no way represent true equality …Boards of directors of most U.S. architecture-engineering firms have, at best, one or two female members.”

Even those not passionate about women’s issues or transportation should find many elements fascinating, from Ann Hershfang’s experience with the shadier elements of the Central Artery/Tunnel project and Garvey’s recollection of 9/11 and its aftermath to Jane Chmielinski’s participation in AECOM’s growth to Susan Martinovich correcting President Obama’s assumption that her husband, not she, is the Nevada transportation director.

The interviewees’ thoughts regarding success and work-life balance are not new, but the book fulfills its goal to inspire women—and men—in non-traditional professional roles who face stereotypes and prejudice.