China, which stunned western companies by expanding its footprint in Africa in the past decade to fuel its economic boom, is curtailing that construction investment as its economy cools off, according to figures released last month. Market observers now are debating whether the falloff could open new opportunities for western firms.

China government officials said last month that the country’s investment fell 40% to $1.2 billion in the first half of 2015, while the Infrastructure Consortium for Africa (ICA)—made up of G20 countries and multinational lenders—said in a Nov. 9 report that Chinese financial commitment to African infrastructure declined to $3.09 blllion in 2014 from $13.9 billion the year before.


China Premier Li Keqiang had promised last year to push investments in Africa to as much as $100 billion by 2020. “Sometimes it is difficult to be precise when it comes to Chinese financing for Africa’s infrastructure projects because much of it is never in the public domain,” says Anil Bhandari, a Nairobi-based consultant and former World Bank advisor on Africa infrastructure. He attributes the drop in foreign direct investment to “the tightness in liquid cash, fall in foreign reserves and general slowdown in the economy.


And last year, two of the largest Chinese financial investments were in transport projects: the $875 million expansion of the port of Abidjan in Ivory Coast and the $700- million construction of the Khartoum International Airport in Sudan.

A clearer picture was set to emerge at the Forum of China-Africa Cooperation in Johannesburg in early December, at which Chinese President Xi Jinping was to announce infrastructure investments to reassure nervous African leaders, says Robert L. Kuhn, a business consultant and commentator on China’s government-owned television.

There are different views on whether reduced investments from China will help western construction companies, who had earlier lost out to Chinese competitors on the price front.

“This does present a major opportunity for European and other western firms who will expand their operations in sub-Saharan Africa,” Graham Robinson, director of the London-based market forecasting firm Global Construction Perspectives, told ENR. “Rapid urbanization has thrown up demand for high-end construction. On the other hand, African governments are encouraging public-private partnership because they are short of funds. Western companies have advantage in these segments.”


But Deborah Brautigam, a professor of international political economy at John Hopkins University and director of its China-Africa Research Initiative, is not so sure about the competitive advantage for western firms. “It will be some time still before western construction companies can compete with Chinese firms; salaries of western expatriates are still far higher than Chinese expats,” she says. “If western companies try to hire locally, they [often] find that other firms and aid agencies have bid up salaries for talented African managers and engineers.” Bautigam says Chinese construction activity in Africa “is not declining,” with firms signing $13 billion in contracts in the first half of 2015.




