Look up the 1994 presidential task force report on the causes and outcomes of the severe Mississippi River floods the year before and you’ll find the title, “Sharing the Challenge: Floodplain Management Into the 21st Century.” But to many leaders in the water infrastructure field, it’s simply the “Galloway Report,” named for the panel’s executive director, Gerald Galloway, then a brigadier general.


“格里被广泛认为是水资源和管理中最敏锐的思想家,”美国陆军工程兵团同事埃德·林克(Ed Link)表示,ENR 2007年卓越奖获​​得者。新利luck“他无情地融入了我们面临的更加困难的挑战中。”

Galloway’s lengthy resume includes nearly 38 years of service in the Corps, ranging from Vicksburg District engineer to representing the agency at forums examining Hurricane Katrina and new directions for disaster management. He also held teaching and academic leadership appointments at his alma mater—the U.S. Military Academy—and the National Defense University. Moreover, Galloway has spent time in the private sector; served on numerous water resources-related advisory boards and committees; and collected an impressive collection of awards and honors.

在80岁时,大多数人将他们的9比5职业抛在落后时,加洛韦的专业知识仍在需求。他仍然是马里兰州大学工程学教授Glenn L. Martin Institute教授,他仍然是一位受人尊敬的老师和活跃的研究员。他还是美国和海外机构的顾问,他们正在努力奋斗,因为天然灾害和气候变化造成了洪水风险,可能是没有足够的水。

“We kid him about being the Energizer Bunny, because of his high level of activity,” says Link, a fellow Maryland faculty member. “He has become a senior statesman, a voice for what the nation needs to do when it comes to dealing with disasters, drought, excess water and water quality.”

加洛韦的职业课程继续并补充了他的父亲格里(Gerry Sr.)的职业课程,格里(Gerry Sr.)在军团工作了37年,并达到了少将。实际上,加洛韦斯是唯一获得密西西比河委员会总统任命的父子,该委员会负责监督密西西比河下部洪水控制,导航和环境活动。


管理各种形式的水和卷公关ovided Galloway with a steady flow of opportunities to apply his expertise and systems perspective. His research topics range from an analysis of the National Dam Safety Program to the adequacy of current standards for flood insurance and flood risk mitigation.

近年来,加洛韦特别关注基础设施的弹性 - 系统如何承受气候变化和日益严重的自然灾害的影响。或者,正如他所说,“能够猛击并立即恢复的能力。”


“It might not have prevented the entire disaster,” Galloway says, “but I have no doubt the damage would have been less severe.”

Having been based in metropolitan Washington, D.C., for much of his career, Galloway has seen more and more examples of infrastructure’s limited resiliency in the Mid-Atlantic region. He and his colleagues at the University of Maryland’s Center for Disaster Resiliency note that some of the most costly storms were Category 2 or weaker when they made landfall, including Superstorm Sandy in 2012.

Though Sandy’s effects on the region were relatively mild compared with the heavy blow that it dealt farther north, it nevertheless exposed potentially dangerous infrastructure vulnerabilities that lesser storms only hinted at. Chief among them is persistent flooding in parts of Washington, D.C., that were reclaimed from the Potomac River in the 19th century.

“The nation’s capital is not well prepared for the next big disaster,” Galloway says. “We have to think bigger.”



His view is that infrastructure systems, and the need for a coherent national water policy, should be facilitated, not dictated, by the federal government. That concept resonates with water resources specialists such as Joe Manous, group manager and future directions team leader for the Corps’ Institute for Water Resources.


Galloway is well-suited to advance that mission. He and his colleagues have been working to spread the message of infrastructure resiliency at professional association meetings and on Capitol Hill.





