Construction industry officials have found much to like in the new Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act, not the least because it was signed into law, extends for five years and is fully funded. But one negative note was the law’s deep cut in the TIFIA loan program, which has provided critical financing for major highway, transit and other projects, including those involving public-private ventures.

The FAST Act slashes direct funding for TIFIA—the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act—by 73%, from 2015’s $1 billion to $275 million in fiscal 2016 and 2017. The amount rises to $300 million in 2019 and 2020. Each direct TIFIA dollar supports an estimated $10 in loan volume.

WSP凯茜·康纳(Cathy Connor)说:“这绝对令人失望。”帕森斯·布林克霍夫(Parsons Brinckerhoff)联邦政府事务高级副总裁。“我认为一般共识是275至3亿美元太低。我们希望看到5亿美元的范围内的东西。”

Jay Farrar, manager of Bechtel’s Washington, D.C., office, says, “What’s difficult with that [reduction] is, already TIFIA is oversubscribed.” The Dept. of Transportation reports that it has 15 TIFIA applications filed in FY 2015 still pending, for projects totaling $15.5 billion. Many more applications filed before 2015 are awaiting a DOT decision, too.

David Bauer, American Road & Transportation Builders Association senior vice president for government relations, says the TIFIA cutback will have “a significant impact on the overall transportation construction marketplace.”



点had sought big numbers for TIFIA, proposing $1 billion a year over six years in the revised GROW AMERICA bill, announced in February. Asked for comments about the FAST Act’s TIFIA provisions, a DOT official said via email, “We will work aggressively within the contours of the bill to expand the pipeline of innovative projects using a variety of funding and financing mechanisms.”


The new law also says that TIFIA money that DOT is unable to obligate in a given year will stay in the program and be rolled over for future years’ commitments.

That’s a big change from an earlier use-it-or-lose-it requirement, which was triggered in April, when DOT was forced to reallocate $639.9 million in uncommitted TIFIA to the states—not in the form of TIFIA loans but as regular formula highway aid. n By Tom Ichniowski