在建筑技术的一年中,机器人在现实世界中的更多工作地点使用,尽管联邦航空管理局的指导滞后,但采用了强大的数据 - 聚集应用程序,以节省时间和无人机在许多工作地点上空。

More unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones, are used on job sites today than a year ago, and most aren’t, strictly speaking, legal. On the positive side, 2,672 more of them are legal than a year ago. The FAA states that itapproved that many Section 333 petitions,截至12月18日,允许公司在商业上飞行的例外。

On the regulatory side, the Federal agency proposed a190万美元对一家公司的罚款,对于未经授权的航班,它也是如此limited the uses某些商业无人机,最近宣布all drones, hobbyist or not, must be registered.

无人机aside, two other trends that emerged from ENR’s 2015 tech coverage: The first is applications aggregating available data to solve real problems; the second is robots being put to work on the job.

One of those data aggregation applications is called theQuartz project并且是Google-funded目录建设学科ls that makes possibly hazardous component substances within them public knowledge. Quartz does this by aggregating data gathered by the Healthy Building Network (HBN), Washington, D.C., and Thinkstep, a sustainability-software developer based in Stuttgart, Germany. The catalogue of 100 generic, non-manufacturer-specific products is available这里.

环境防御基金是一个非营利性环境倡导集团,开发了另一个data-aggregation application从埋入的燃气管道和追踪温室气体中绘制甲烷排放。总部位于新泽西州的公共服务电气和天然气公司已开始使用该映射数据来帮助替换510英里的天然气电源和38,000个服务线路。

另一个应用程序通过简化以前在Excel电子表格上完成的许多流程和数据收集来帮助公交机构计划巴士路线。混音is an app developed in a hackathon. It computes all possible public transportation bus routes and includes total cost and number of buses. Transit agencies across the country, such as Gold Coast Transit, Camarillo, Calif., and the New Orleans Regional Transit Authority have started to use the app.

与前一年相比,今年的机器人在工作地点。在某些情况下,机器人正在执行人类无法做的任务,例如Rodis,由俄罗斯圣彼得堡的Diakont创建的远程操作的诊断检查系统。Alaska Transa Pipeline系统使用机器人管烟系统来获取其一些油管内部的全部图片,从而节省了7000万美元的入侵性手术费用。18luck.cub

砖砌的半自动化砖石机(SAMI) uses a map of the wall it's building, along with a laser for guidance and control, to work beside human masons on real-world jobsites. SAMI and its iterations were in high demand this past year and were seen on sites from Ft. Collins, Colo., to New York City.

Another robot performing work beyond human limitations is the Aerial Robotic Infrastructure Analyst (咏叹调)在匹兹堡卡内基·梅隆大学的机器人学院开发。Aria是无人机,带有板载激光扫描仪,每秒收集40,000 X-Y-Z点,以建立周围环境的点云。在今年的测试中,Point-Cloud数据被用于实时导航。研究人员使用这些数据来绘制诸如桥梁底面的难以到达的区域。