Utility Portland General Electric is taking over completion, with new contractors, of a 440-MW natural-gas-fired powerplant in Oregon after declaring the estimated $515-million project’s Spanish-owned builder in default. Madrid-based power giant Abengoa, parent of former site contractor Abeinsa, is coping with cash woes and working with creditors on a financial restructuring by Jan. 18 to avoid bankruptcy.

The utility’s action, confirmed in a Jan. 7 Securities and Exchange Commission filing, follows a halt to work last month and the removal of Abeinsa, which had been on site at the Carty Generating Station since 2014. The plant is among state efforts to meet newly released clean-energy targets.

The utility said, “A new construction management team [will] update work plans at Carty before putting crews back to work.” But a PGE spokesman declined to disclose the names of the construction companies that have been hired as contractor replacements, saying the process is not final. Sargent & Lundy is the design engineer.

该公用事业公司还没有透露项目完成是否会受到影响。上个月,PGE总裁兼首席执行官吉姆·皮罗(Jim Piro)表示,该项目已完成75%。PGE表示,这是在与Sureties Liberty Mutual Surety和苏黎世北美的讨论中,该保证金提供了1.456亿美元的绩效保证金,但发言人拒绝透露任何新​​的项目成本。


Abengoa上个月告诉E新利lucknr,它正在审查“案件”,在50个国家 /地区进行了250多个项目。18luck官网Abeinsa被ENR评为拉丁美洲的第三大新利luck电力承包商。