在《传统奖》计划的第二年中,ENR东南部认可了亚特兰大地区最著名和最受尊敬的建筑商比尔·平托(Bi新利luckll Pinto)之一。As people who know the retired leader of the former Hardin Construction Co. can attest, Pinto certainly meets the Legacy Award’s criteria for an award recipient to “have established a solid ‘legacy’ of lifetime service to the A/E/C industry and to their colleagues—true professionals who have gone above and beyond for decades.”

在与哈丁建筑公司(Hardin Construction Co.)的39年任期中,平托(Pinto)在2013年退休之前担任首席运营官和校长,此前DPR Construction收购了总部位于亚特兰大的建筑商。Over that time, Pinto not only guided the former Ira H. Hardin Co.—the firm’s name when he joined the contractor in 1974—into one of the Southeast’s more prominent and respected construction companies, he also built a personal reputation for service to industry organizations and community groups.

这种方法导致了州和国家一级与相关的建筑商和承包商(ABC)组织的悠久历史。ABC佐治亚分会的总裁兼首席执行官比尔·安德森(Bill Anderson)在哈丁酋长与该团体的广泛参与期间非常了解Pinto,包括担任董事长兼董事会成员多年。


Another person who worked closely with Pinto over the years was Pat Rodgers, president and CEO of Charlotte-based Rodgers Builders—and a Legacy Award winner in 2015. The pair of contractor executives got to know each other over the course of roughly a dozen projects that the two companies pursued and built together as Rodgers Hardin.


罗杰斯,recent chair of the Construction Users Roundtable, says her respect for Pinto—whom she calls a “good friend and colleague”—and his approach to business led her to recommend him for membership in the group.

Record of Service


Though it no longer provides craft training, CEFGA is focused on connecting contractors with future workers in any way it can. Basically, Pinto says, “It creates the environment for highlighting what the industry can do and how you can make a very good living in construction if you’re willing to work hard.”


“I was always into [self-improvement] and training and education in general, and always trying to learn,” Pinto says. “I tried to instill that into the folks who worked with me and for me, so we could always provide a better service to our customers.”



His passion for industry education activities had previously led him to be involved with the National Center for Construction Education and Research

(NCCER), a leading industry education center located near Gainesville, Fla., for which he eventually served as chairman.

The University of Florida, also located in Gainesville, is Pinto’s alma mater. He originally attended the university in 1964 to seek a degree in architecture but left for the military before graduating. He returned in 1971, this time to pursue a degree in construction. That stint extended until 1974, when he left UF with a bachelor’s degree and a master’s from the university’s M.E. Rinker Sr. School of Construction.

Twenty-four years later, in 1998, Pinto was inducted into the University of Florida’s Construction Hall of Fame after receiving the “Distinguished Builder Award” from the Rinker school, which recognized his “dedication to construction excellence, his active support of the industry and his outstanding civic and community involvement.”


“It’s a much more difficult sell,” he says. “It certainly takes personal time, and I think the younger generation thinks of their personal time differently” than older generations may have.

“As construction companies, we are very visible, so I always thought it was necessary for our folks to be part of the communities that we’re in,” Pinto says.