The developers and builders behind Miami’s biggest mixed-use complex, the nearly complete, $1-billion-plus Brickell City Centre, have designed and engineered the project’s unconventional signature feature to provide a light aesthetic and environmental touch. Winding around and adorning the district’s elevated, open-air retail component, the so-called Climate Ribbon architectural element weaves a 150,000-sq-ft trail of tilting, fabric-wrapped steel blades underneath a fritted glazing system as it meanders around and throughout the urban center.

约翰·莫里亚蒂(John Moriarty&Associates)执行副总裁约翰·莱特(John Leete)说,安装气候丝带面临着该项目的最大挑战。他的公司是指导该项目的合资企业的一半。Leete将这种“绿色”丝带描述为“玻璃的起伏”,有时也“几乎看起来像金字塔”。在零售水平上,该开发项目的三个主要高层建筑物或“街区”将其捆绑在一起,气候丝带不仅是在5.4亿平方英尺的建筑物集合中的一面漂亮的弓箭。这是一台正在设计的机器,可以利用风和雨水,同时以保持露天购物环境舒适的方式管理南佛罗里达州的阳光。

“It actually protects from the sun, catches the wind and collects the water—it’s a real machine, this Climate Ribbon,” says Bernardo Fort-Brescia, principal with Arquitectonica, architect for the project. “It’s an operating system.”


Today, the sprawling Brickell City Centre, a city-within-a-city, is striking a polished pose as it nears completion. Under construction since mid-2012, the sustainably minded megadevelopment—which is targeting separate LEED certifications for its various buildings, including Gold for two of the three towers—is on schedule for its planned phased opening that starts this month and continues through mid-2016 for the retail component.

Together, its three “blocks”—denoted as East, West and North and built sequentially on the heels of each other in that order—comprise 260,000 sq ft of office space across two of the towers, 780 condominium units, 263 hotel rooms, 89 apartments and a two-level underground parking garage with about 2,600 parking spaces. The retail component measures 565,000 sq ft.

The complex sits atop basement garages, connected by tunnels, that span three city blocks, which builders say is the first attempt by a major developer to construct underground parking in Miami. For this subterranean work, Christophe Belaine, technical director with the joint venture, says teams used a deep-soil mixing technique to place a temporary cement soil mix plug and a perimeter of permanent sheet piling. This method consists of in-ground blending of native soils with an injected cement grout mixture, which serves to stabilize the soil to facilitate excavation.

Bouygues Construction是法国承包商成功建造了这项耗资1亿美元的Portmiami隧道项目的法国承包商,它以其艰巨的规模和复杂性吸引了Brickell City Center的工作。高级项目主管Louis Brais说:“这一主要,综合用途,城市发展与Bouygues在建设大规模,具有挑战性的项目方面的全球专业知识很好。”18luck官网Bouygues和John Moriarty&Associates最终将在没有执行伙伴的情况下将Americaribe Moriarty合资企业(AMJV)作为真正的50-50关系。

Back around 2010, though, project owner Swire Properties’ original vision for Brickell City Centre was an urban environment that “incorporated public transportation, public space, efficient below-grade parking and a quality place for people to live, play, work and stay,” says Chris Gandolfo, senior vice president. While that basic description of an urban environment may sound commonplace for other major U.S. cities, Swire’s intended scope for the 9.1-acre development definitely aimed to break new ground for Miami.


According to Gandolfo, “We had urban planning and Miami 21 in mind” when the firm hired Arquitectonica—which has worked on Swire projects in China and Hong Kong—to design the large-scale, mixed-use project.

气候丝带的想法开始为一个元素to connect the megadevelopment’s individual buildings and provide cover, “very much like that of a trellis,” Gandolfo says. Additionally, by being open on all sides, the system would provide a connection with the surrounding community as well.

But the design task quickly grew more complex than a trellis. The developer engaged Cardiff University of Wales, Carnegie Mellon, Arquitectonica and Paris-based designer Hugh Dutton & Associates (HDA) to figure out the ribbon’s precise shape relative to local prevailing winds and the direction of sunlight onto the site. Design-build firm Gartner fabricated the steel structure, piece by piece, at its plant in Germany. The ribbon’s fabric was manufactured in Italy.

Inspired partly by the design of another, older open-air luxury shopping district, and partly by pre-World War II designs of local residential buildings, Fort-Brescia and team quickly focused on harnessing the trade winds to create a comfortable environment.


A computer model identified where the sun would produce hot spots at different times of the year, Belaine says. Additionally, the installed system angles up at some of its sides to let warm air rise, thus drawing in the cooler breezes. Designers say the system should enable a sustained breeze of between 6 and 9 knots, according to computer simulations. The ribbon also will collect rainwater, at an estimated annual rate of 3 million gallons, which will be stored in above-ground cisterns for use without pumping.

Builders believe that the highly engineered canopy is the first of its kind, and “possibly the biggest passive shading and ventilation device in the country,” says Belaine.

Whereas many of today’s sustainable building elements, such as solar panels, are often designed as showcase features, Fort-Brescia says designers aimed instead to hide the ribbon’s mechanics.


Getting this piece of art up in the air would be the major challenge of the project. Contractors braced for the challenge by scheduling a quick start to the work. While the effort required “a little bit of a learning curve,” Leete says installation of the “erector set” benefited from the fact that the system was “engineered and fabricated perfectly.”


Shoring systems varied accordingly. Questions the team had to ask themselves varied from location to location and included: If the load transfers from a large steel member down to an outrigger, when do you release that load? And do you need reshoring off of that?

“There were a lot of different components of scaffold framing that had to be installed and just understood by all,” Leete says, adding that installation began in 2014.

“That element really focused our attention from Day 1,” adds Damien Kolosky, executive vice president for Bouygues. “We tried to anticipate as much as we could.”

该项目团队还面临着在该地区重新施工的建筑市场开始强调分包商劳动力的时候建立此规模的项目的挑战,从而限制了某些人承诺对庞大的Brickell City Center合同的能力。



Finishing Up


“We’re feeling real strong now, because we’re making the job smaller,” Leete says. As part of the final testing—and an acoustic symbol of what’s been accomplished—“Fire alarms are going off all over the place,” he says.