Robynn Andracsek,P.E。,《清洁空气法》的要求和细节有时会反对逻辑和理解,即使是像我这样的人,他们每天都在与之打交道。任何人都可以犯错;但是,为了使事实混淆而有目的地工程显然是不道德的。这就是为什么各种各样的工程师都需要对大众汽车的柴油汽车中排放量欺骗消费者和政府监管机构的方式进行认真思考的原因。


The Clean Air Act prohibits manufacturing a motor vehicle with a component meant to bypass, defeat or render inoperative a pollution-control device required for compliance with emissions limits. The “defeat device” is software in the electronic control module. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, when the software determines the vehicle has begun the emission test procedure, it directs the vehicle to employ a low nitrogen dioxide (NO2) temperature-conditioning mode; a status bit in the software indicates that a “temperature conditioning” mode is active.





Honest firms spend much time and money to maintain compliance, ranging from burning low-sulfur diesel to installing catalytic control devices on exhaust stacks. The EPA and state agencies operate a countrywide air-monitoring network that is focused on metropolitan areas with poor air quality, such as Houston, Washington, D.C., and Southern California. Inevitably, the monitors will detect the additional pollution emitted by Volkswagen’s not-so-clean diesel cars in the U.S. and will show that the pollution is contributing to the air-quality issues of these non-attainment areas.

第一个腐败的步骤通常始于认为要求太难或不公平。然后,工程师开始滑下一个不道德的斜率。大众汽车的危机以这种方式开始。该公司的管理层发起了一项新的清洁柴油活动,但设计工程师受到严格的美国排放标准的阻碍。很容易想象工程师认为“清洁空气法”极限是不合理的或无法实现的。鉴于时间表和预算紧张,他们决定规避EPA测试。据汉斯·迪特·佩奇(Hans DieterPötsch)主席称,该公司以违反规则的宽松运营,该公司扩展到整个公司。


When an “unreasonable” or “unfair” challenge presents itself, pause and think before acting. Remember, engineering ethics require us to rise to the occasion and do the right thing.