On prime riverfront real estate in Jacksonville, Fla., the unclad 18-story concrete frame of an abandoned condominium casts a shadow over its downtown neighborhood. Eight years after the collapse of the development’s underdesigned six-level parking garage claimed the life of one construction worker and halted work on the complex, downtown residents are asking how much longer they must wait for the eyesore to be either completed or demolished. The GC, now its owner, has selected a developer, and a local official is optimistic, but resolution still is far from clear.

当开发商于2014年5月违约为无支付的1240万美元民事奖励时,Choate Construction Co.收购了未完成的绿巨人,并开始寻找买家或开发商来完成它(ENR 5/12/14p。11p。11)新利luck。“最初,公寓社区感兴趣,” Choate COO迈克尔·汉普顿(Michael Hampton)说。“我可能至少听到了至少两个公寓开发人员的消息。”他说,总部位于亚特兰大的Cocke Finkelstein Inc.被选中:“他们仍在努力使Pro Forma起作用。”

The city’s condo market is flat, with no turnaround in sight, so conversion to apartments appears to be the way to go. “Construction costs continue to increase at a greater rate than market rents are for the apartment there,” Hampton says.

杰克逊维尔市议员雷金纳德·加夫尼(Reginald Gaffney)说:“每个人都感到沮丧,我们希望看到一些事情发生,而不是晚些时候发生。”他的地区包括伯克曼广场。A constituent recently brought fresh attention to the issue by filing a blight complaint with the city’s Code Enforcement Dept. Negotiations are ongoing to develop the project or to share the land, Gaffney says, adding, “This time next year, we will have … some kind of final results.”