MUNICH—High-tech advances in concrete placement and futuristic designs for heavy equipment were some of the winners of the 2016 Bauma Innovation Awards, held April 10 in Munich, Germany.


这winners of the Bauma Innovation Awards were winnowed down from 118 entries. Judges' choices this year focused on products that promote sustainability and efficiency.

(Watch: The nominees for the Bauma Innovation Award, Machinery)

这Kramer 5055e electric wheel loader from Wacker Neuson took home the award in the construction machinery category. Intended for indoor and underground work, the wheel loader is the first all-electric model in its size class. With a 0.55-cubic-meter bucket with a 2.7-metric-ton lift capacity, the wheel loader can be used for for heavy earthmoving in tunneling and other spaces with poor ventilation. The forklift-style lead-acid batteries can hold enough charge for 5 hours of continuous work, and the wheel loader can also be used to power-corded hand tools.


SONO-WZ Water/Cement Analyzerfrom IMKO won the component category. Radar signals are emitted into fresh concrete to calculate the water-cement ratio without extensive further testing, saving a lot of time during quality control. The tool is able to calculate not only the moisture percentage of the concrete, but can also show the water content by volume if the user inputs the known mass density of the mix.

(Watch: The nominees for the Bauma Innovation Award, Process)

德国建筑公司莱昂哈德·魏斯(Leonhard Weiss)凭借其延长衰老,正交钢甲板桥梁寿命的方法赢得了这一奖项,该方法通过用一层高强度的高强度,钢筋混凝土代替了许多道路。莱昂哈德·魏斯(Leonhard Weiss)成功的示范项目可显着提高现有的钢甲板桥的性能,而新的跨度将花费新的跨度。

(Watch: The nominees for the Bauma Innovation Award, Research)

这re was a clear winner in this category. The concrete 3D-printing technology from the Dresden University of Technology investigated how the principles of additive manufacturing could be scaled up to concrete placement. A “print nozzle” would be mounted to a concrete boom and build concrete structures onsite without the need for formwork. The technology has yet to be proven at full-scale on a job site, but lab results have been promising.

(Watch: The nominees for the Bauma Innovation Award, Design)


总部位于法国的设备制造商Mecalac的部门因其重新设计的小型轮式挖掘机而闻名。通过设计一个可以在车轮上摆动的较窄的上层结构,可以将机器的转盘放下,从而降低重心并改善稳定性。“它具有一致且平衡的设计,代表着动量和高质量,”基于瑞典的工业设计师和法官之一达格·霍姆格伦(Dag Holmgren)指出。“它将挖掘机带入紧凑的设计,繁荣折叠成框架。”

同时,德累斯顿技术大学和几家欧洲设备制造商的一支联合团队一直在开发Genius Cab,这是一种未来建筑设备的操作员驾驶室的概念设计。该设计旨在最大程度地提高操作员的可见性,同时仍保持高水平的ROP覆盖范围。集成的传感器软件包将使操作员通知其环境,同时也是防止未经授权使用的安全系统。
