休斯敦的KBR Inc.于5月23日表示,将收购位于加利福尼亚州EL Segundo的专业工程和专业服务提供商Wyle Inc.,主要是美国政府。该购买价值为5.7亿美元,基于KBR的两年历史多元化策略,远离能源市场。瑞士信贷的主要建筑部门分析师杰米·库克(Jamie Cook)表示,私人拥有的Wyle在2015年收入约为8.36亿美元。The addition of Wyle, in a deal set to close in the third quarter, would double KBR’s existing government-business revenue to 26% of the company total, “creating the equivalent of a global $2-billion government services organization,” says Stuart Bradie, who took over as KBR CEO in 2014. Wylie previously was owned by private-equity firm Court Square Capital Partners. “We see Wyle as a good, base-hit deal, creating a greater recurring [earnings] stream and diversifying KBR away from energy, which is likely challenged in the medium term,” says Cook.