


Wisconsin-based Lunda Construction Co. recently landed on OSHA’s list of severe violators for the second time in three years after an apprentice carpenter was killed working on a bridge project last fall. Earlier in the year, OSHA hit Lunda with $105,000 in proposed fines from one willful and five serious safety violations stemming from an accident last September.

Lunda’s first stint in the “severe violators” program came in 2013, when a truck driver died and another was seriously injured in a crane collapse near Oshkosh, Wis. Lunda officials could not be reached for comment on whether they are contesting the proposed penalty.

列表中出现的另一家公司是Flintlock Construction Services,这是一家位于纽约市的总承包商,专门从事酒店和公寓。OSHA在2013年引用了Flintlock,并在投诉和检查后再次引用了该公司。机构记录显示,弗林克(Flintlock)正在对这些拟议的罚款进行竞争,但无法联系公司官员发表评论。

Since 2010—whenOSHA启动了“严重违规者”计划, which succeeded a previous program that it deemed a failure in dealing with repeat violators—the agency has expanded the numbers and types of employers that are subject to the program’s stepped-up inspections.


OSHA针对缅因州的莱萨德兄弟(Lessard Brothers)建设,涉嫌重复违反安全性,其中一些与跌倒保护有关。

波士顿的第一巡回上诉法院因未能支付罚款而鄙视莱斯纳德;一月份,法院驳回了一份重演的请愿书。OSHA新英格兰地区办事处发言人泰德·菲茨杰拉德(Ted Fitzgerald)表示,二月份,法院作为任务判决。美国劳工部的顶级律师现在正在审查此案并“确定下一个适当的步骤”,该部门在一份新闻声明中指出。

Meanwhile, back in January 2015, OSHA hit Lessard Brothers Construction with an additional $287,000 in fines for failing to provide workers with fall protection. Principals of the company could not be reached for comment.