

The Gotthard alone will shave 30 minutes from the roughly 300-km Zurich-Milan rail journey. Another 30 minutes will be clipped off the journey when the Ceneri tunnel, to the south, opens in 2020.

A 2013 legal challenge over the Ceneri fit-out contract delayed that opening from 2019, according to the project owner, AlpTransit Gotthard S.A., Lucerne, Switzerland.

Since the long and complicated NRLA program started, all planned handover dates have shifted and in both directions. Working up to 2 km below the mountain surface in variable rock as hot as 50°C was never to be trouble-free.

In 1993, when key geological investigations were starting, the target handover date was 2007, says AlpTransit’s chief spokesman Ambros Zgraggen. After work started in 1999, that date shifted to 2012. Over the years, the handover target slipped to 2014, then to 2017, before improving to this year.

Meanwhile, the Gotthard’s construction-cost forecast rose to around $10 billion today from $6 billion in 1998 at constant prices, says Zgraggen.

Conceived soon after Word War Two, the Gotthardis the largest of three rail tunnels在NRLA中。长达34.8公里的Lötschberg于2007年12月开业。1998年的瑞士议会批准了NRLA的总预算192亿美元,其中包括Gotthard所有方面的134亿美元。

Gotthard的双孔相距约40 m,并以325 m的间隔与交叉通道相连。大多数隧道用四个硬摇滚TBM进行,直径范围从约8.8 m至9.6 m不等

To handle the tunneling, AlpTransit recruited the TAT joint venture for more than half the tunnel—31.4 km—from the south portal, including the Bodio and Fadio sections. Zschokke Locher A.G., Zurich, led the team, which included Salini Impregilo S.p.A., Milan, and Hochtief A.G., Essen, Germany.

The Transco-Sedrun joint venture, led by Batigroup A.G. Tunnelbau, Zurich, built the 8.5-km Sedrun section. Bilfinger & Berger Bau A.G., Munich, and others were also on the team. The AGN joint venture, led by Austria’s Strabag A.G., handled the remaining 19.2 km to the north portal.

AlpTransit started awarding the main tunneling contracts in June 2001, with the first kilometer drilled and blasted that August at Bodio in the south. Machine boring began at Amsteg in March 2003.

开始后不久,两个TBM撞到了过错,脆弱的岩石对于抓地力机器来说太软了,他们的供应商,德国的Herrenknecht A.G,Schwanau。TBM需要在盾牌的后部进行良好的岩石才能握住,并从中推入。经过几个月的进展缓慢,TBMS于2003年8月离开了断层区。

TBM crews completed the 11.3-km Amsteg-Sedrun drives in June and October 2006. Then, the machines were refurbished for the south drive, from the Erstfeld portal to Amsteg, 7.8 km away. They broke through in June and September 2009, achieving a record 56 m advance in 24 hours along the way, according to Herrenknecht.

The southern pair of TBMs completed the 15.9-km Bodio-Faido section in September and October 2006. Then, according to Herrenknecht, their diameters were expanded to 9.4 m. To navigate through the difficult, 150-m Piora Basin, described as funnel-shaped formation containing sugar-like dolomite and high-pressure water. The machines holed through in October 2010 and March 2011.

2013年8月建设和工程团队traveled the full length of the tunnel for the first time on foot, train and bus, taking six hours for the 57-km transit. As part of its railroad systems contract, the consortium Transtec Gotthard placed the last sleeper in October 2014, completing 290 km of track in 39 months.