
巴拿马运河管理局(ACP)执行副总裁Ilya Espino de Marotta说:“一切都按计划进行。”


但是庆祝活动不会标志着停止建设活动。在大约13,000名工人达到高峰之后,承包商联盟Grupo Unidos Por El Canal(GUPC)仍在运河两端的两个锁站雇用约4,000名工人。这些船员正在完成通行道路,并执行约96座建筑物的最终餐饮,总计超过430,000平方英尺,同时执行复杂的复员工作。


–Giuseppe Quarta, CEO, Grupo Unidos por el Canal (GUPC)

GUPC首席执行官Giuseppe Quarta说:“一年多以前,我们与一个项目经理建立了一个独立的项目经理。”和巴拿马的构建道urbana。一名300名雇员复员的人员评估,康复,出售或残废数百辆重型设备;拆除复杂的临时设施,包括世界上一些最大的压碎植物和混凝土批处理植物;并导致有关成本,许可和出口的文书工作的回报。18luck.cub



Meanwhile, another team of 100-plus employees are cranking out some 80,000 quality certificates and 16,000 as-built drawings. “The close-out of the project is still a very big machine,” Quarta says.


去年,在最初的round of gate tests, insufficient reinforcement opened a large crack in a concrete sill underneath one of the gates on the Pacific side, leading to water seepage.


In all, the project incorporated 250,000 tons of reinforcing steel. Another 71,000 tons of steel comprises the gates and 152 valves, which play a critical role in the gravity-fed system that fills and empties the locks. Water stored in expansive water-saving basins flows at 33,000 cu m per minute to fill or empty each lock chamber in just seven minutes, according to Alessandro Zaffaroni, GUPC commissioning engineer. The basins are designed to reduce freshwater usage by up to 60%.

到目前为止,“填充系统的运作良好,” Zaffaroni说。


Over the six-year construction period, the project has employed more than 50,000 people, the vast majority Panamana nationals. By providing technical and safety training, GUPC leaves the nation with a more qualified workforce, says Quarta. Local subcontractors unaccustomed to megaproject environments “were scared to enter into our standard contract with liquidated damages and key milestones … but now they have contract management experience and are ready to face bigger things,” he adds.

Ongoing Dispute



One such outstanding claim involves about $234 million awarded to GUPC last year by the project’s Dispute Adjudication Board due to the site’s poor-quality basalt—a key ingredient in the concrete mix. Both sides appealed the decision to a final arbitration council, in Miami. GUPC seeks an additional $345 million, and ACP contends that no monies should be awarded, Marotta says.

However, even if ACP “ends up paying more, this is a very successful project because of what it’s going to do for Panama’s economy,” says Peter Wallace, executive vice president with Hill International, a U.S.-based firm providing project oversight and auditing services to ACP. “The revenue stream from this project is going to be substantial, even with the slowdown of global growth.”

ACP has identified several lessons learned. A formal partnering session at the onset of the project could have prevented difficulties later on, Marotta says. She also would favor consortiums that have worked together on previous projects, with one firm having a clearly established leadership role.

While Wallace says the design-build delivery method was the right choice for the ambitious project, he would have advised ACP to include a requirement in the request for proposals that the designer be an equity partner in the consortium. “The fact that [GUPC] subcontracted this [provision] created a problem,” he says.
