

In addition, both committees' measures include EPA policy riders that Republicans generally support but many Democrats do not. That split doesn't bode well for the bills' futures this year, lawmakers and industry officials say.

“The appropriations process is struggling,” observes Steve Hall, the American Council of Engineering Companies vice president of government affairs. “Certainly, we are going to need a short-term continuing resolution. And the question is, can we actually, perhaps after Election Day, wrap up the appropriations process or will Congress have to pass a longer-term CR?”


There was contention over the environmental policy riders in both bills, including language to block EPA from implementing its new rule outlining which bodies of water qualify as “waters of the United States." Construction companies seeking to build in or near such federally regulated waters would have to get U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' permits.

在参议院委员会的投票会议上,参议员理查德·杜宾(Richard Durbin)(D-ill)说:“由于这些骑手,该法案很可能永远不会落在地上。”杜宾说,相反,该法案更有可能成为年底持续解决方案的一部分。



Sen. Tom Udall (N.M.), the subcommittee's ranking Democrat, acknowledged Murkowski’s willingness to work with him on Democratic priorities, including additional funding for water infrastructure.

但尤德尔补充称,他将have preferred a “clean" bill, without policy riders, which have derailed other measures on the Senate floor. “I’m not sure how many times we have to go through this process before it sinks in that adding controversial language doesn’t help get spending bills passed into law,” he said.

There was wide bipartisan agreement, however, on boosting water infrastructure funding. The $32-billion Senate bill increases funding for the clean-water and drinking-water state revolving funds (SRFs) by $113 million from the 2016-enacted level. Within the total, the committee hiked the drinking-water SRFs but pared the clean-water account.



众议院内部环境小组委员会主席肯·卡尔弗特(Ken Calvert)表示,Wifia资金可以支持联邦贷款或贷款保证,以资助30亿美元至50亿美元的全国水基础设施项目。18luck官网

但是,众议院委员会的法案还通过将2017财年援助向清洁水SRF削减3.94亿美元,即28%,至10亿美元,从而抵消了饮酒水的增强。小组委员会的顶级民主党人贝蒂·麦克科勒姆(Betty McCollum)(明尼苏达州)说:“干净的水和安全的饮用水齐头并进。你不能没有另一个。”


ACEC's Hall, says, “We’d like to see as much as possible in all the accounts. ... The amount of need out there is far more than what Congress is putting in the SRF accounts.”