

Indeed, Brazil recently has faced several issues: cash woes, caused by the sharp dive in the price of oil; President Dilma Rousseff's forced suspension, which has resulted in political tension; and the two-year-long corruption probe of state-owned oil company Petrobras and some of the country's major construction firms.

Rio de Janeiro is Brazil's largest oil exploration center; now, the state's dwindling tax revenue is jeopardizing the public financing of the remaining construction payments directly linked to the games.


据路透社报道,弗朗西斯科州州长弗朗西斯科·多恩雷斯(Francisco Dornelles)于6月17日宣布了财务紧急状态,并要求联邦资金在奥运会期间覆盖公共服务。他在一份声明中说,需要采取紧急措施,以避免“公共安全,健康,教育,运输和环境管理的完全崩溃”,并补充说,国家需要“严格管理财务状况”。

巴西临时总统米歇尔·特梅尔(Michel Temer)表示,联邦政府将确保履行所有义务执行奥运会。

Rousseff was halfway through her presidential term when, on May 12, the Brazilian Senate suspended her for six months. Uncertainty over whether Rousseff's six-month suspension will become permanent has further increased political instability and public dissatisfaction.


里约热内卢市长爱德华多·佩斯(Eduardo Paes)表示,财务紧急情况“绝不延迟奥运会项目和里约市承诺的承诺”。18luck官网



According to industry sources, however, contractors are concerned about when—and whether—they will be paid in full for construction services on the projects. No executives would speak publicly about the issues.

上个月,里约官员与建筑商Technosolo之间建立了3500万美元的速度骑行场地的合同在越来越多的问题中结束about work delays, according to one online cycling publication. A new contract was awarded to Engetecnica to complete work under the city government's supervision. However, Technosolo contends that it broke the contract because of late government payments and errors in scope documents.

Paes has told the media that the velodrome will not be completed until mid-July but said testing on the track will begin by month's end. The venue originally was scheduled to open last year.


国际奥林匹克委员会(IOC)主席托马斯·巴赫(Thomas Bach)在三月份承认,建筑工人仍将在8月5日忙碌。

With delays in the transfer of funds by the government for facility construction, some contractors have had to take drastic action.


Metro Line 4(将Ipanema连接到Barra Da Tijuca的铁路线(举办大多数主要的体育赛事),由于现金紧缩而必须缩放。联邦政府同意在五月中旬向奥德布雷希领导的承包商财团支付2.9亿美元的现金付款,此前该州错过了向多边银行支付的几笔债务付款。

State officials are concerned about the status and adequacy of plans to test the line before its Aug. 1 opening; the officials also want to know the reasons for its cost jumping to $2.9 billion, nearly double earlier estimates. An ABC News report says the ethics probe of Odebrecht includes allegations of bribes related to the company's role in the construction of Line 4.



轮询ution Worries for Swimmers

另一个问题涉及在瓜纳巴拉湾(Guanabara Bay)的污染处理,该污染用于帆船和其他与水有关的奥运会。自举办2014年世界杯以来,巴西就面临有关污染的合规问题。



Firms also completed work last fall on repairs to Engenhão Stadium, which was completed in 2007 but closed six years later due to a report issued by the German company SBP, which was hired by the Odebrecht-led building team. The report said the roof could collapse if the stadium encountered winds of more than 65 kilometers per hour.


After an extensive forensic probe of the roof, RDR concluded that the stadium closure and subsequent reinforcement were unnecessary and that the facility posed no risk.