联邦航空管理局(Federal Aviation Administration)批准了其第一组法规,该法规管理在建筑或其他商业运营中使用小型无人机系统或无人机。((FAA情况说明书

新的规则, which FAA and its parent, the U.S. Dept. of Transportation, unveiled on June 21, covers drones weighing less than 55 lbs. It limits UAS operations to altitudes of 400 ft and speeds of 100 mph (87 knots) during the daytime and—with anti-collision lights—at twilight.

Operators also would be required to keep the drones within their visual line of sight.

John Palatiello, executive director of MAPPS, says, "We're generally very pleased." But he adds, "We are very anxious for the next generation of regulations, including those for beyond visual-line-of-sight operations and then, of course, those for UAS that weighs more than 55 lbs. But generally this is a good first step."

DOT Secretary Anthony Foxx told reporters in a teleconference, “This is a major milestone for safely integrating unmanned aircraft systems into our nation’s airspace.”

Foxx added, “These aircraft truly have the potential to transform the way we fly and they offer many potential benefits to society.”




Those seeking the certificate must pass a written aeronautical test and also undergo a security background check.


The regulation itself does not include privacy protections. But FAA said in a fact sheet that it “strongly encourages all UAS pilots to check local and state laws before gathering information through remote sensing technology or photography.”


FAA管理员Michael Huerta解释说,持有此类豁免的公司将在其下运营,直到到期为止。然后,两家公司将属于新法规。

公司将能够从规则的某些要求中寻求豁免。联邦航空局管理员迈克尔·霍尔塔(Michael Huerta)表示,不能为诸如规则的无人机重量天花板或最高速度或高度之类的事情寻求豁免。

But he said the agency expects to see waiver requests for provisions that include the visual line of sight, flights over people and night operations. Huerta added, “We do not envision this being a very burdensome process.”

Foxx indicated that more federal drone actions will be coming. “This is not the only step we will take,” he said. “There will be more steps along the way in the safe integration of UAS’s into our national airspace.”

House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Bill Shuster (R-Pa.) and aviation subcommittee Chairman Frank LoBiondo (R-N.J.) called the FAA regulation “long overdue,” but noted that it seems to be similar to provisions in the FAA reauthorization bill that the committee approved in February.

Shuster and LoBiondo added, “Completing this rule is an important step towards full integration and fostering innovation in the growing UAS industry.”

Rep. Peter DeFazio (Ore), the transportation panel’s top Democrat, said in a statement, “While this is a significant step, it reinforces the fact that we need a comprehensive FAA bill to keep FAA moving forward on integrating drones.”

