本月欧洲著名的艺术和设计博物馆之一开始详细介绍结构工程,重点关注盎格鲁 - 丹尼斯·奥普(Ove Arup)(1895-1988)的作品,他的名字通过他于1946年成立的公司而得以幸存。

“我们可能不知道,但是工程师组织了我们生活的世界,”伦敦164岁的维多利亚和阿尔伯特博物馆(V&A)主任马丁·罗斯(Martin Roth)说。“我们的生活依赖于当代工程学的许多学科所构想,建造,运行或促进的可见和无形系统。”

V&A策展人以Arup为“ 20世纪最伟大的工程师”,强调了工程师在上个世纪初与前卫建筑的密切合作。

Ove Arup通过他的“全面设计”哲学将工程和建筑物比以往任何时候都更加紧密。

Images of the slender, spiraling ramps of the 1934 Penguin Pool in London zoo illustrate the merging of architecture and engineering. An expert in concrete design, Arup collaborated with the architect Berthold Lubetkin to create the now highly prized structure.

A few years later, Arup turned his considerable skills to the war effort. The exhibition charts his unsuccessful attempts to persuade the British government to build large, spacious, concrete underground air raid shelters instead of the make-shift structures that were officially sanctioned.

Arup was more successful later when he helped design the huge precast concrete floating Mulberry Harbour used by allied forces during 1944 Normandy invasion.


通过照片,图表和原始风洞模型,展览揭示了悉尼项目的复杂性。开创性设计包括Ferranti Ltd.制造的早期真空管Pegasus计算机以及展览会上展出的。


Arup is the star of V&A’s engineering show, but his supporting cast also make an appearance. The hand written calculations by Felix Samely that made the penguin ramps possible are on display. Peter Rice, Ted Happold and other collaborators also are there.

设计公司副主席Tristram Carfrae指出,阿鲁普(Arup)的“愿景,结合哲学和工程来创建整体方法”比以往任何时候都更加重要。他补充说,由V&A选为其首次工程展览“演示Ove是他时代的先驱”。

伦敦的博物馆展览称为工程世界:Ove Arup和全面设计理念,始于6月18日,将持续到11月6日。