仅仅几个月前,密歇根州的州机构就站在弗林特水危机的一个责任中心。A special advisory task force had condemned the state’s use of an emergency manager to make key decisions about the city, including, in 2014, the money-saving switch of the water source from Lake Huron to the Flint River and the state Dept. of Environmental Quality’s slow response to citizen reports of smelly, discolored water. On June 22, Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette started working to expand the circle via a new lawsuit in a Genesee County state court, accusing engineers Veolia N.A. and Houston-based Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam (LAN) and its parent company, Leo A Daly Co., of professional negligence.

弗林特(Flint)于2011年聘请LAN担任顾问,仅在2015年初的水危机开始后才登上维奥利亚(Veolia)。该诉讼指责该公司未能达到正常的护理标准,以检测和确定补救措施levels in the Michigan city’s drinking water. Schuette’s brief states that both companies should have known from publicly available signs and other sources about the danger of corrosion and lead in the city’s old pipes. Engineers of ordinary competence would have acted to cut short the public’s exposure to the lead, he claims. Instead, he states, LAN and Veolia both suggested adding ferric chloride to counter too-high trihalomethane levels, and Veolia suggested adding polyphosphate to cut iron corrosion, which could increase lead levels.



最终的道德判断将不得不等待。全国专业工程师协会副执行董事兼总法律顾问亚瑟·施瓦茨(Arthur Schwartz)说:“事实似乎是有争议的,需要解决。”

LAN and Veolia called the charges in the lawsuit false. Both firms have argued that their work was limited in scope and responsibly performed. LAN, which had been a Flint consultant prior to the water-source switch, says it had advised Flint officials of corrosion-control measures and suggested a testing period for the city’s treatment plant. Flint declined both.
