May 12-13, 2022
San Francisco

由Enr Magazine新利luck和Peckar&Abramson提出
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由Enr Magazine新利luck和Peckar&Abramson提出
开创性的妇女在建筑中18luck 最新 劳动力新闻中的格威克

Women in Construction Get Empowered to Succeed

Hundreds of current and future women leaders share strategies for workplace change at ENR conference


Even with pay disparities, real and perceived biases and other workplace barriers still faced in construction, female executives, professionals and craft workers have become a recognized force in the industry and are empowering themselves and others to propel needed change. At least 375 women attendees from the ranks of owners, contractors, engineers and vendors shared strategies last month in San Francisco to raise women’s career profiles and change attitudes.

“Never settle until you find your passion,” engineer-entrepreneur Debbie Sterling told attendees引用技术领域的传奇人物史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)在6月20日在ENR和建筑律师事务所Peckar&Abramson赞助的“开创性妇女建设中”(GWIC)会议上的地址。新利luck

She is the 20-something founder and CEO of Goldieblox Inc., a fast-growing company built around a female builder toy character who inspires young girls to hone spatial skills and break stereotypes, from toy-store “pink aisles” to who studies engineering.

Innovators Don't "Fit in"

Since launching Goldieblox in 2012, Sterling said the company has sold 1 million products in some 6,000 U.S. stores. Goldiblox will soon launch its second app to teach fundamental coding concepts to girls and announced a deal with Random House for its first children’s books based on the Goldieblox character, who boys also think is “cool,” Sterling said. She urged attendees to break out of the box.


一位领先的研究人员和三位女性行业首席执行官强调,高级公司角色的女性如何提高底线。他注意到他最近对22,000家全球公司的哈佛商业审查研究,研究总监兼华盛顿特区彼得森新利luck国际经济学研究所的执行副总裁马库斯·诺兰德(Marcus Noland30%的净利润率转化为1%,这是一个大数量。”

纳塔琳·洛米迪科(Nataline Lomedico)是洛杉矶承包商Giroux Glass的第二位女子首席执行官Giroux Glass的首席执行官,他说,该公司已发展到“从一家专注于服务工作的小型玻璃公司到全美最20名玻璃公司之一”。

Tracy Young, founder and CEO of booming construction collaboration firm PlanGrid, added, "I’m a construction engineer. I’m wired to look at complex problems and break them down into smaller, more manageable problems that are easier to solve. I’ve taken the approaches that worked for me in construction and used them to build PlanGrid and our culture. If we believe that intelligence and hard work are equally distributed across genders, races and cultures [and] if an entire industry favors one or two specific types of people, then we have a massive problem.”

总部位于新奥尔良的全球设计建造公司Perez总裁Angela O'Byrne建议女专业人士“继续做得很好。行动胜于雄辩”。她补充说:“从内部成为变革代理人,比局外人更容易。在您控制的球体中找到一项工作并悄悄地实现多样性,无论球体多么小。成为榜样是我们的工作。因此,我们必须代表我们的信念,因此我们的公司将更加成功。”


Building Networks and Gaining Respect


工程师金·霍恩(Kimley-Horn)高级副总裁莱拉·哈达亚特(Leyla Hadayat)说:“我们的总统和主席落后了100%”。“我们向董事会报告女性保留率。”

Holder Construction Co. Interiors副总裁Greer Gallagher表示,她通过参与该集团商业房地产妇女而接触了妇女网络的想法。她与托米·霍尔德(Tommy Holder)的主席联系了这个想法,“立即对它的含义产生了兴奋和兴奋,尤其是在保留我们才华横溢的妇女方面。”“可能有两个女儿自己进入劳动力!”

电力工程师商业单位总监克里斯蒂·辛格尔顿(Kristi Singleton)表示,博伊西公司(Boise)公司的网络开发出来,以解决对女性职业生涯达到高原的看法。这是一个“硬卖”,但是11个月后,该网络有260名成员,其中包括20%的男性,他说,现在是Power排名最高的女性的Singleton。特纳建筑高级项目经理拉玛·埃卡德(Rama Ekkad)表示,其本地网络已经蓬勃发展了10年,并涉及行业同行和客户。


反向指导是妇女通过与公司退伍军人共享技术和其他技能来建立工作场所影响的另一种策略。工程师RS&H副总裁金·霍兰德(Kim Holland)表示,她的反向指导延伸到公司的首席执行官和客户。她说:“我们看到了对他们有用的技术想法。”萨福克建筑项目的项目经理安玛丽·詹妮特(Annmarie Jennette)补充说:“在项目上,您正在与年龄和经验水平作斗争,但要利用自己的优势”来18luck官网获得盟友。”

Women executives discussing the “psychology of earning respect” pointed to the need to develop self-confidence and solid self-esteem.

这似乎说起来容易做起来难,但是根据《结构音调》项目经理艾琳·麦卡锡(Eileen McCarthy)的说法,这是可以实现的。她说:“你做你的工作,你有信心。”麦卡锡(McCarthy)回想起一个男性同事不愿意发现一个女人正在领导该节目的时候。


Building self-confidence also allows you to stand up for yourself. “You teach people how to treat you,” said Emily Cohen, director of government relations at United Contractors,a Bay area-based group of 450 union construction firms. “And, the way you do that is in your reaction to any of their [BS].” She said that standing firmly instead of reacting or indulging in your coworker’s unwanted behavior helps send a strong message.

“在你的事业生涯中,有时,你必须得到the point where [these are] almost unshakeable,” said Dara Hendrix, FTI Consulting senior director.


纪录片管理员洛里安·巴洛(Lorien Barlow) - 现在制作了“硬汉女性”,这是第一部关于手工艺品女性的全长电影 - 受过信誉的女性项目经理,校长和其他“打开门并在现场让我访问电影的人”。

She hopes that by 2020, 20% of the national construction workforce will be comprised of women. Today, less than 3% are. “This movement has needed a megaphone and I want very much for this film to be a part of that,” said Barlow,who is seeking financial support from industry to finish production of the film. “It speaks for women in nontraditional roles everywhere.”


One veteran tradeswoman, an ironworker with 31 years of experience, said “things are changing, but it’s slow. Your video is awesome. It just encompasses who we are. And, we do love our jobs.”

妇女还谈到了非正统和坚定的方法如何努力努力。玛丽亚·艾尔迪·卡普兰(Maria Ayerdi-Kaplan)于4月辞职,担任旧金山45亿美元的Transbay Multodopal Transportation网络的执行董事,他指出了两十年前的前市长Willie Brown(D)直接提出了这项工作。


首席执行官迈克尔·伯克(Michael Burke)说,卡拉·克里斯托夫森(Carla Christofferson)是前律师事务所的合伙人,当时她在2015年初被任命为设计巨头AECOM的总法律顾问后,在其令人惊讶地收购了另一家巨头URS Corp.之后。多样性。



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