Burns&McDonnell的环境工程师Block Andrews表示,随着公用事业运营变得更加多样化,该公司的电力部门客户需要在广泛的应用程序中提供服务,包括传输,新计划,研究,环境,退役等等。

“Finding ways to connect often remote, new power stations to electrical demand centers is a focus right now, along with looking to integrate traditional and alternative generation and distribution models,” Andrews says.

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他指出,该计划,这迫在眉睫desks of designers, has three principal mandates: make existing coal plants more efficient to reduce carbon emissions, increase the use of existing natural-gas-fired plants, and increase the use of renewable sources of energy and nuclear. The program will push designers to help utilities reduce emissions through non-traditional methods. “Most of the major power plants already have emissions controls, so they’ll have to find other ways to cut back,” Andrews says, citing possible use of less carbon-intense feedstock or sourcing their power from a green energy provider.

The U.S. Energy Information Administration in a May report said natural gas has overtaken coal as the primary electricity source in the U.S., with alternative fuel applications losing momentum since 2014. However, wind and solar generation, spurred by tax credits, will make strong gains over the next five years, EIA predicted.


“Nobody really knows what that future power-delivery model is going to look like—what new technologies could revolutionize the market or how power sources will be connected to demand centers,” Andrews says.