
Since President Eisenhower signed legislation on June 29, 1956, launching the interstate system and the motor-fuels tax to pay for much of its construction, its traffic and congestion have worsened, and funding is short of what’s needed to maintain and upgrade the 47,662-mile network, according to a June 27 report from TRIP, a Washington-based transportation research organization.

Senate Environment and Public Works Committee Chairman James Inhofe (R-Okla.), speaking at a June 29 Washington event marking the 60th anniversary of the Federal-Aid Highway Act, urged attendees “not to wait around until 2020” to start working on the next reauthorization.

Inhofe also told the gathering, sponsored by the American Road & Transportation Builders Association and American Trucking Associations, there may be ways to “integrate the future of highway re- authorizations into a tax bill.”

美国运输秘书Anthony Foxx同意“我们对维持传统交通系统进行了挑战。”但他想专注于快速行为将要去的地方。与记者在6月29日会面,Foxx说:“每次运输法案出现,人们唯一想要谈论的是,多少和多久?而且我认为我们花钱所花钱的问题就是一个问题的基本问题。“

福克斯指出,更多的美国. population is going to metropolitan areas, and space to add highway lane-miles there is tight. He added, “And so what’s going to become important is having greater transportation choices in those places.”

Looking ahead, Foxx said, “I think if I have a wish for the next [surface transportation bill], it’s that there will be at least equal attention paid to the policy as there is to the funding and the length of time that funding exists.”