美国渴望混凝土。根据美国地质调查, in 2014 the U.S. produced 80.5 million tons of Portland cement and 2.2 million tons of masonry cement. Portland cement is a primary ingredient in concrete, and most of the cement produced domestically went to the production of concrete. Though concrete is a sustainable material the amount produced every year results in significant environmental impact, making the development of recycled aggregate sources of dire import.



建筑行业倾向于依靠“处女”天然骨料。为了跟上具体的生产水平,美国公司每年需要开采数十亿吨的原始天然骨料,尽管有些人可能认为像沙基一样的骨料几乎是无限的,但它们是有限的资源。在世界某些地区,用于混凝土的高质量自然骨料开始低落。例如,在英国,正在消耗沙子和砾石资源快两倍as they can be replenished. Additionally, mining for any natural resources, whether it’s coal or gravel, requires reshaping the land, stripping away natural flora, and displacing local fauna. In short, mining for natural aggregates damages nature. Construction companies in certain cities, such as in Toronto, Canada, are beginning to use up natural aggregate resources close to their bases of operation, which pressures the companies to travel further and further to find quality aggregates, causing transportation costs to gradually rise.

旅行也是一个主要的环境问题;需要将聚集体运输到混凝土生产设施上,这意味着将这些资源加载到温室气体发射车辆和火车上。例如,仅在加利福尼亚州,从1981年到2010年,该州的建筑公司每年消耗约1.8亿吨的建筑级骨料。这加利福尼亚地质调查estimates that if the aggregates were moved in 25-ton truckloads with an average of 50-mile round-trip deliveries, then during that time frame those trucks burned up to 47 million gallons of expensive diesel fuel, and they added 520,000 tons of CO2每年进入气氛。如果往返距离增加到100英里,则可以2每年的排放实际上跃升至100万吨,而这正是在加利福尼亚。运输成本非常高,这是可以削减成本的领域18luck.cub。采用随时可用的可回收骨料可以帮助减少这些排放和费用。





使用回收骨料存在一些潜在的挑战。使用回收骨料不会阻碍一批混凝土的强度,但波特兰水泥协会指出,使用再生骨料可能影响batch’s durability. Recycled aggregates have a higher absorption rate than natural aggregate concrete, which means that it contracts or “shrinks” a little differently when drying. However, this roadblock isn’t an impossible one to surmount—some construction companies have found that blending different ratios of recycled aggregates (such as a mix of fine, e.g. sand, and coarse aggregates) helps to increase durability. Other researchers have found that the differences can actually improve certain concrete durability properties. Despite these contradictory findings, recycled concrete aggregates show great promise for helping reduce the environmental impact of concrete materials.


马修·亚当斯(Matthew P. Adams)是民间和环境工程在新泽西理工学院。他是一名国际公认的专家,专家在新混凝土中使用再生混凝土作为替代自然骨料的替代。