The bar for Mortenson Construction can never be set too high nor set by others working in the industry, as far as Dan Johnson, company president, is concerned. “We don’t really try to compare ourselves too many times to our competition,” he says. “We try to compare ourselves to what’s possible.”

What’s possible is a Minneapolis-based contractor working on exceedingly challenging, innovative projects right across the continent, and notably in the Midwest, where it has jumped to 11th in regional revenue from 17th and 25th the previous two years. Its current ranking is based on 2015 Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Ohio and Michigan revenue of $594.3 million; the firm also ranks among the top 10 in the commercial, health care and education sectors. These ranking and revenue figures don’t take into account results from Mortenson’s home state of Minnesota, which will officially join the ENR Midwest region in the new year.

While a constant eye on outside industries can and does teach Mortenson’s professionals what’s possible for the construction industry, says Johnson, the strive for excellence definitely starts from within.

“Our business is successful based on our people,” concurs Scott Heberlein, vice president and general manager of Mortenson’s Milwaukee office. “We invest in our team members, and we make sure that our teams that are doing such great work day in and day out with our customers are the ones that are really the shining examples for the company. Our ability to be successful as a professional services firm really relies on having the best talent in the industry.”

该公司芝加哥办事处高级副总裁兼总经理格雷格·沃纳(Greg Werner)说,这很好地借鉴了一个越来越具有挑战性的劳动力市场。“经济衰退造成了损失,我们实际上失去了该地区的一些分包商。但是,我认为,最重要的是,除了分包商将业务扩大规模扩大,然后突然变化并不得不将业务缩减缩小的犹豫不决,或者是保守主义。”“坦率地说,我们正在考虑继续增长和扩大我们必须自我执行的工作的能力。作为一家公司,我们喜欢将自己的靴子放在项目中,超越了一些传统的总承包商角色。”例如,内部扩大现场铸造混凝土工作使莫滕森能够更好地控制劳动力和成本因素。

在1990年代中期,该公司将三名高级官员置于将其称为Mortenson建筑创新中心的地方。约翰逊说,这使新公司流程包括综合项目交付,精益建筑,预制和预制。当莫滕森(Mortenson)在洛杉矶的沃尔特·迪斯尼音乐厅(Walt Disney Conselt Hall)担任著名设计师弗兰克·盖里(Frank Gehry)时,发生了重大变化。他说:“这迫使我们做了不同的事情。”该公司首次在项目上使用了3D和BIM建模。


Healthy Relationships

While the firm does not specialize in one particular market, health care holds a special place for Mortenson in Wisconsin—where Heberlein’s office celebrated its 25th year open for business in Milwaukee in 2015—as well as in Illinois, where it was the catalyst for the opening of a Chicago office in 2000.

The company’s largest regional project to finish in 2015 was the $128-million Froedtert Hospital and The Medical College of Wisconsin Center for Advanced Care in Milwaukee. “We’ve been doing work with Froedtert basically constantly since we opened an office here,” says Heberlein. “Our business is built on relationships and partnerships, so we’re much more about finding the right customer fit for our organization than we are trying to find the right project fit for us.”


在芝加哥,“我们一直在研究我作为公司有史以来最复杂的医疗保健项目之一,”沃纳(Werner)指的是倡导者Good Shepherd Hospital。18luck官网沃纳(Werner)说:“我们必须在26个单独的阶段中执行该项目。”“在完整的现代化和扩展期间,我们触摸了医院的每个平方英尺,这些平方保持着充足的运作……以照顾他们所服务的社区中的患者。”莫滕森(Mortenson)在过去三年中从事这项工作,最近交出了新的患者塔和南方。Right from the start, “you’ve got to have a good team, good team chemistry and good communication,” says Werner, whose crew worked with HOK Architects and the Advocate ownership team to develop very specific protocols to prevent contamination, vibration and noise issues. “It’s just a very complex puzzle putting all the various pieces together and allowing the hospital to move into various swing spaces so that they can keep functioning while we build the new space.”

医疗保健无疑是莫滕森芝加哥市场的入口点。当地的主要项目包括E18luck官网lmhurst卫生中心,New Lenox的Silver Cross Hospital置换,并作为Ann&Robert H. Lurie儿童医院市中心的主要合伙人。就在上个月,在伊利诺伊州罗克福德举行了一个开创性的仪式,该仪式定于2019年1月完成4.85亿美元的慈悲健康医院。该设施将是罗克福德地区唯一的1级创伤中心专注于妇女和儿童的治疗。


“This initiative that the city, the county and the state partnered with Sojourner on allowed all of those services to be brought into a central location, so that those who are in the shelter don’t have to leave to get the help they need,” says Heberlein. “It’s the first of its kind in the country.”

Good Times Ahead

在2015年中西部工作的承包商中,莫滕森在威斯康星州的收入最高,为2.623亿美元,是伊利诺伊州的第12大收入,为2.8623亿美元。展望未来,Heberlein和Werner都热衷于未来的机会。“There’s definitely a lot of excitement in and around Milwaukee for the next five to 10 years,” says Heberlein, noting in particular Mortenson’s work on the new Milwaukee Bucks arena and, up the road in Green Bay’s “Titletown District,” the new Lodge Kohler hotel.


“One of the things we pride ourselves on is, ‘Done means done.’ When we finish your project, it means it’s done and it’s going to be ready for you to use,” says Johnson, who presides over a family business formed in 1954 and today has about 5,000 team members split almost evenly between craft and professional/non-craft personnel. The day prior, he had celebrated 30 years with the company, including early days in Milwaukee and then, along with Werner, launching the Chicago office. “I can honestly say I’ve never once thought about leaving Mortenson or joining another organization,” says Johnson. “It’s just been a great place to work. I am a better person because of the people I get to work with every day.”

沃纳说,它从顶部开始。公司董事长戴维·莫滕森(David Mortenson)“在我在公司工作的26年中,一直是推动组织和挑战团队成员创新的人,并且比我们今天做得更好。”
