
The Taishan nuclear units being built by Areva in China are just 2 of 25 currently under construction in China.

The announcement, made March 16 by China's State Council, or Cabinet, could affect four AP1000s being built by The Shaw Group and Westinghouse, two others the group is helping to design, and two reactors being developed by Areva. China is currently building 25 nuclear reactors and had planned to have 80 GW of nuclear power online by 2020. The country has six nuclear reactors along the country's eastern and southern coasts.

路易斯安那州巴吞鲁日(Shaw Group)的发言人绅士·布兰(Gentry Brann)表示,3月16日,该公司已获得确认,其工作将在一段时间的审查后继续前进。


Before the revised safety standards are approved, all new nuclear power plants, including pre-construction works, should be suspended, according to the statement.

The State Council has required relevant departments to do safety checks at existing plants, according to the state news agency.

"Safety is our top priority in developing nuclear power plants," the State Council said in the statement, calling for a comprehensive safety check and enhanced management over existing plants.

在日本,工人仍在福岛Daiichi的三个单位中与过热的战斗。店主Toyko Electric Power Co.表示,周二早些时候,第2单元的压力室内听到了“非凡的声音”,随后会议室内的压力下降。TEPCO表示,“确定抑制室中有非同寻常的事情发生。”
