When India announced at the Paris conference on climate change in December that it will install 100 GW of solar power by 2022, energy experts took it with a pinch of salt.

怀疑论者引用诸如传输基础设施不良和缺乏资金的障碍之类的障碍,认为这是一个艰巨的任务,对于这个国家的总装机容量为5.8 gw,并且仍然有缺乏任何日间电力的农村地区。

To meet the target, India needed to ramp up capacity additions from the past two year’s average of 4 GW to 15-plus GW per year. “There are many challenges, but we are working hard to achieve the target,” says Upendra Tripathy, secretary of the federal ministry for new and renewable energy.

Recent developments—and some luck—have given India a strong start. Falling costs have helped to put solar panels on the rooftops of businesses, residences and other buildings.


总体而言,最近已经完成了令人印象深刻的发电能力。塔塔太阳能在北部北部安装了12兆瓦的屋顶太阳能电厂。首席执行官Ashish Khanna称其为“单阶段世界上最大的设置”。亚洲最大的另一个750兆瓦的工厂将在中央邦州出现。

By May 2016, 7.5 GW of solar plants had been installed, 22 GW were under construction and another 9 GW were in requests for proposals. The government has announced 25 large-scale solar-power projects, with capacities ranging from 500 MW to 1,000 MW over a period of five years.

The national government has revised yearly targets for new capacity, and the new capacity will “bring us closer to our commitment to provide 24-hour electricity to all by 2019,” points out Piyush Goyal, India’s minister of state for power, coal, and new and renewable energy. He claims that, given adequate international financial and technological support, India could achieve its 2022 target earlier.

Experts doubt whether India can meet the ambitious targets on its own. At present, the country can produce only 1.2 GW of solar cells and 5.6 GW of solar panels a year. Most of the materials are imported because the domestic industry either is not cost-competitive or does not produce them.


Solar Power as Political Tool

Prime Minister Narendra Modi was elected in 2014 on a development agenda. He can use clean energy to push his development agenda further if he runs for reelection in 2019.

Rapidly falling sustainable-energy costs and COP21's greater environmental agenda are providing a welcome tailwind.

India needs $100 billion to achieve its target. Getting investors to believe in the viability of solar power was initially a big challenge for the country, but that’s changing. For example, access to finance is slowly opening up.

India has received low-cost funding worth $2.5 billion from the World Bank and other international development banks. “A combination of investments in India would be our largest financing on solar power for any country in the world,” says World Bank's President Jim Yong Kim.

在最近的美国访问中,莫迪与美国 - 印度清洁能源融资工作队和美印度催化太阳能融资计划达成了1亿美元的合作伙伴关系。德国开发银行在未来五年内向印度的低价贷款提供了约15亿美元的低价贷款。

Solar parks (20 GW) and rooftop projects (40 GW) form the major components of India’s solar ambitions. In 21 states, the federal government is setting up solar parks that have a cumulative capacity of nearly 20 GW under phase one. Further, india has announced a plan to add another 20 GW of capacity under phase two.



Over the past two years, the rooftop solar market in India has grown at a compound annual rate of 90%. The commercial-and-industrial segment makes up almost 73% of the market, leaving the remaining 27% for the residential segment.

India plans to install install on government buildings rooftop solar plants with a total capacity of 8 GW. State governments are following suit.

然而,屋顶项目现在减少o的依赖18luck官网n government support than utility-scale projects. The fundamental economics are stronger, with minimal losses, avoidance of grid charges, and the ability to compete against retail, instead of wholesale, power prices. As viability improves, experts expect the industrial rooftop segment to account for the fastest expansion and predict an annual growth rate of 248% until 2020.

“We have seen our business double or triple in the past few years, and we believe this is only the tip of the iceberg,” says Andrew Hines, South India business development head at Mumbai-based CleanMax Solar.

Hines认为:“与一些评论员相反,我认为印度的40 GW屋顶太阳能的目标是可以实现的,尽管这将在设想的时间表中采取政府,监管机构和行业的一致努力来实现这一目标。”

“Rooftop solar systems make sense because they are distributed by nature,” argues Sowbhagya Rao, senior project fellow and manager of outreach and communication for solar at the Gujarat Energy Research and Management Institute. “They do not require expensive land. The effect of geographically distributing the systems helps to minimize variations. Moreover, the deployment of rooftop solar systems creates jobs.”