Thomas C. Schleifer没有糟糕的项目 - 只是承包商和项18luck官网目之间的不良比赛。多年的研究导致我得出结论,可以通过考虑建筑组织在类似工作中的经验来准确衡量与项目选择相关的风险。我正在设计一个方便的系统来进行测量,并打算免费公开该系统。



For example, let’s say a contractor or construction manager has been successfully building relatively straightforward warehouses and strip malls but then attempts its first complex sewage treatment plant. For such a project, there will be vessels and all kinds of processing equipment with which the contractor has little to no individual or institutional experience. The likelihood of successfully pricing and producing the work would be very limited, making the project very risky.


automatically to the individual team members who haven’t worked on stadiums and arenas. However, if an organization has an experienced arena project veteran who is not assigned to the actual project, the company can bring him or her in if there is an emergency, cutting the overall risk.


Unusual project features also create risk. Generally, the collective experience of the industry is with “traditional” projects. Most buildings in the U.S. are rectangular, and our roads, highways and tunnels are straight. Unusual and unique project features—such as buildings, windows, roofs, roads, bridges and tunnels that are curved—are outside the experience of most organizations and obviously trigger risk. Gaining the knowledge to build such tricky projects may be a slow, costly process that amplifies risk.

The good news is that important project characteristics can be measured and weighted to produce a numeric scale of risk projections, and all of the data can be updated to measure project performance. To ascertain the likelihood of a successful, profitable completion, I am developing a spreadsheet-based risk-assessment process that reliably relates a company’s experience with similar projects.
