道奇数据和分析(Dodge Data&Analytics)在其关于建筑信息建模的好处的许多研究中一直表明,较大的公司比较小的公司更有可能使用BIM并从中受益。因此,在最新的BIM研究中,我们检查了BIM的成功因素和建新利luck模,响应量仅限于总承包商,建筑经理和贸易承包商,其年度建设价值为5000万美元或更多。那是因为我们想听听拥有最BIM经验的公司。

This approach minimizes the likelihood of widely different responses due to company size and allows us to see the differences in BIM use among GCs, CMs and trade contractors. The study also examined factors that support the successful implementation of BIM and the overall prevalence of construction modeling as well as how firms are responding to other changing jobsite technology demands. Here are some highlights.


研究p 新利luckBIM使用定义为处理模型roduced by others as well as authoring models in-house. About half of all contractors in the study report a highly intensive use of BIM in either of those ways, employing it on 50% or more of their projects. While GCs and CMs tend to use BIM a bit more frequently (55% and 56%, respectively) than trade contractors do (41%), that difference is not considered significant for this analysis because among larger trade contractors a high use of BIM is relatively common.

Although many trade contractors most often are downstream recipients of models produced by others, those trades that do create their own models report great value from them as a result. But trade firms as a whole do not author in-house models as frequently as GCs or CMs do.

The study shows that most general contractors believe structural fabricators and mechanical contractors are creating their own BIM models. Sixty-eight percent of GCs report seeing models done by structural fabricators, 69% by HVAC contractors and 64% by mechanical contractors. The GCs report seeing significantly fewer BIM models among building envelope contractors (34%), electrical contractors (32%) and interior contractors (20%).

However, the data also suggests that GCs are likely to underestimate how much construction modeling is being done on projects, compared with the level of modeling activity reported by trade contractors. The most statistically significant difference seen is in the 14% of GCs who see modeling for crew locations and workforce planning occurring on their projects, versus the 57% of trade contractors who say these modeling activities are occurring on their projects.

This is important because the study shows that most GCs say that use of BIM models by trades adds significant value to a project. More than 90% of GCs who report seeing frequent modeling by mechanical contractors think it adds a high or very high value, and 88% believe the same of structural fabricators. And it is notable—even though less widely seen—that more than 60% of respondents place a high value on the use of BIM models by building envelope, electrical and interior contractors.

BIMBenefits, Successes


Differences emerge between responses about impacts from trade contractors versus general contractors and construction managers. A high percentage of GCs (77%) and CMs (80%) see at least a 5% decrease in RFIs, but only 58% of trade contractors report that much of a reduction in RFIs.



The study also looked at the use of and value placed on drivers behind positive outcomes. GCs, CMs and trade contractors each selected the following top three drivers for successful use of BIM: BIM standards, design modeling and planning.

Respondents were also asked to rate the frequency and value of owners as drivers of BIM use. Trade contractors report a much higher frequency of experiencing owner BIM advocacy (31%) than do GCs (15%) and a higher use of owner standards and guidelines (30%) than GCs (15%) or CMs (12%).

Since the question drew only from a subset of GCs, CMs and trade contractors, the base for evaluation is pretty small. However, even so, 82% of the trade contractors who have experienced owner BIM advocacy with any frequency say that advocacy is important, compared with only 37% of GCs. CMs fall in the middle, at 63% of firms that consider owner advocacy of BIM valuable.

This may suggest that GCs already see enough value in BIM to be driven by market and internal factors, but that trade contractors and CMs still need some encouragement from the client.

Other Technology Trends


All three players experience similar benefits from improved information mobility. Top benefits include improved collaboration, reduction of unanticipated problems and fewer paper documents. However, the second-highest percentage of trade contractors—far more than other players—also reports improved productivity. This may be an example of new technologies improving information exchange.

Trade contractors also see the greatest opportunities for improving information mobility, topping GCs and CMs for all functions that could enhance access to information on site. Not surprisingly, CMs are less interested in these potential improvements.

