Forty transportation projects across a variety of modes have won grants totaling $484 million in the latest round of the U.S. Dept. of Transportation’s Transportation Investment Generating Economic Recovery (TIGER) program.

As with the previous TIGER rounds, thenew group of winners在7月28日宣布的激烈竞争后宣布。DOT报告说,今年收到了585份申请,要求超过93亿美元。

DOT Secretary Anthony Foxx told reporters in a conference call that highway and bridge projects accounted for 2016 TIGER funds' largest share: $193 million.


The Chicago Transit Authority won the largest single grant, $25 million, to help finance a $50.4-million upgrade to the Garfield Station on the El's Green Line.

另外三个项目分别获得了一18luck官网笔2000万美元的老虎赠款:康涅狄格州纽黑文的提议,将限量上的高速公路转换为“ Urban Boulevard”;密歇根州弗林特的道路,人行道和其他改进;以及犹他州运输管理局(Utah Transit Authority)改善对其运输系统的访问计划。

Foxx also noted that nearly two-thirds of this year’s winners were unsuccessful applicants in earlier rounds. For example, Pittsburgh lost out in two past TIGER competitions, but it won $19 million in the latest round, the eighth since the program was established in 2009.

新的联邦资金将有助于32 m美元illion plan that includes a new “cap connector” over a below-grade, crosstown highway. The cap, plus improved crosswalks and walkways and a new “greenway,” will create a link to downtown for the city’s Hill District, a neighborhood that was cut off by the construction of the highway in the 1950s, according to the TIGER application from the Sports & Exhibition Authority of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County.

The project is an example of one of Foxx’s priorities, using infrastructure projects as “ladders of opportunity”—links to jobs, retail and other needs for urban neighborhoods isolated by the construction of Interstates and other highways.

Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto (D) said in the conference call that the city’s first unsuccessful proposal involved reestablishing a network of streets in the Hill District. When U.S. DOT provided feedback after that round, it emphasized, “You need to really connect this neighborhood back with the [downtown] employment center,” Peduto noted.




该计划缺乏多年的授权 - 奥巴马政府提出的,而是依靠国会拨款。
