
California红橡木Investments is planning to build红橡木,在富勒顿的综合用途开发。该项目将包括两座四层楼的建筑物之间的295个单元的住宅开发项目,设有地面餐厅和零售空间,一个带小屋的游泳池以及一个1,200平方英尺的封闭式狗公园。TCA Architects是该项目的设计师,其价值在2500万至5000万美元之间。Red Oak Investments,ATTN:Alex Wong,2101 Business Center Dr.的项目经理,Irvine,92612。DR#15-00634441。

科罗拉多州NexTerra Development LLC is planning to developThe Crossing Church of the Nazarene mixed-use developmentin Broomfield. The project will include 780 units of mixed-use housing, a senior living center, a church, a hotel and commercial space on a 77.6-acre site. Hover Architecture is the designer. The project is valued at $120 million.NexTerra Development LLC, Attn: Joanne Newton, Owner’s Representative, 3740 Dacoro Ln., Castle Rock, 80109. DR#16-00565643.

肯塔基Eastern Kentucky University is planning to build a乳制品研究和教育中心在里士满。该项目将合并肯塔基大学和Eku Meadowbrook农场的肯塔基大学,其中包括扩建现有的挤奶厅和自由仓库,以及建造Tie-Stall谷仓和小型研究实验室。Kersey&Kersey Inc.是设计师。该项目的价值为1,030万美元。Eastern Kentucky University, Attn: Paul Gannoe, Facilities Director, 521 Lancaster Ave., Richmond, 40475. DR#06-00784607.

路易斯安那州The Lafayette Regional Airport Commission is planning to build a newterminal在拉斐特地区机场。这座86,000平方英尺的建筑将包括至少五架飞机大门,停车位,乘客筛查区,座位区和乘客招待区。RS&H Inc.是设计师,Heery International Inc.是风险的建筑经理。该项目的价值估计为9000万美元。Lafayette Regional Airport Commission, Attn: Gregory Roberts, Director, 222 Tower Dr., Lafayette, 70508. DR#14-00686046.

Maine绩效食品集团正计划扩大设施在奥古斯塔。该项目需要在现有建筑物北部增加50,000平方英尺的冰柜空间以及一个六英亩的停车场,以容纳100个拖车。ESI Design Services Inc.是该项目的设计师,其价值为1500万美元。Performance Food Group, Attn: Blake Auchmody, 12500 W. Creek Pkwy., Richmond, Va., 23238. DR#15-00587472.

出价s, Contracts, Proposals

阿拉斯加州Miller Construction Co. Ltd.已开始构建White River Roadin Ketchikan. The project entails 7.3 miles of new road, connecting to Shelter Cove Road, near Salt Creek. It will be a 14-ft-wide, one-lane roadway. The project will entail embankments, excavation and the installation of 200 culverts. The project is valued at $11.4 million.Miller Construction Co. Ltd., Attn: Terrence Miller, P.O. Box 32638, Juneau, 99803. DR#11-00588994.

MissouriICS建设服务已经开始建立金门小学School in Wentzville. The two-story, 76,075-sq-ft building is located on One Campus Dr. The project is valued at $18 million.ICS建设服务,2930 Market St.,圣路易斯,63103。DR#16-00498065。

南达科他州AECOM Technical Services has started constructing aSynfuels发电厂in Linton. The two-turbine plant will be gas-fed and capable of producing 675 MW of electricity. Basin Electric Power Cooperative is the project owner. The project is valued at $600 million.AECOM技术服务,1999年大街,洛杉矶,加利福尼亚州90067。DR#14-00631773。

出价, Proposal Dates

密歇根州9/15Maple Lawn医疗保健机构正在寻求竞标者的竞标者扩展项目. The medical care facility will gain a 17,957-sq-ft, 31-bed addition as well as 6,961 sq ft of meeting space; further, the construction team will renovate 39,500 sq ft of existing space. The new one-story additions will consist of reinforced-concrete foundations and exterior walls made up of brick veneer on load-bearing concrete block, with furred gypsum-board interior facing. Eckert Wordell Architects/Engineers/Interior Designers is the designer of the project, which has been valued at $11.2 million.Maple Lawn Medical Care Facility, 50 Sanderson Ln., Coldwater, 49036. DR#16-00595452.

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