凯瑟琳·格林(Kathleen Grimm

所有者New York City School Construction Authority on Behalf of New York City Dept. of Education
Lead Design FirmSkidmore,Owings&Merrill
总承包商Leon D. Dematteis Construction Corp.
土木工程师菲利普·哈比布(Philip Habib&Associates)
Structural EngineerDesimone Consulting Engineers

位于史坦顿岛(Staten Island)的南岸,位于桑迪(Sandy)的68,000平方英尺的凯瑟琳·格林(Kathleen Grimm)领导力和可持续性学校是一所两层楼的小学,可容纳444名来自kindergarten到五年级的学生。该学校是美国东部的第一个同类产品,将通过从可再生现场资源中收获尽可能多的能源来实现零净能源目标,与年度使用。


“Although a seemingly small project, the Kathleen Grimm School has the potential to make a major impact. While not all public schools in New York City can achieve net-zero energy, the range of sustainable design strategies first implemented here can be applied to other schools throughout the region,” says Roger Duffy, design partner at Skidmore, Owings and Merrill.


The south-facing classrooms have two rows of windows, with the upper windows allowing daylight to flood the space, while the lower windows provide outside views. The building’s roof has also been shaped to enhance energy production—the design creates an iconic feature representing the project’s core mission.

在整个建筑物中,安装了仪表板,以允许学生和教职员工进行友好的竞争,以节省能源并了解建筑物的运作方式。此外,学校还配备了四个可持续性节点 - 教育领域,学生可以使用触摸屏监视器连接到建筑物的仪表板系统,以进行即兴课程。
