格蕾琴·加格尔(Gretchen Gagel)
格蕾琴·加格尔(Gretchen Gagel)


我们的公司Continuum Advisory Group最近进行了两项所有者研究 - 一项与建筑行业研究所(CII)一起进行,另一个与建筑用户圆桌会议(Curt)一起进行,这强调了当所有者无法有效执行资本时发生的情况的幅度计划,特别是面对不断变化的程序需求。这些研究表明,企业工程和建筑部门必须发展成为公司战略和计划的重要参与者,外部工程和建筑公司必须开始将对所有者范围变化的响应视为其普通服务的一部分,而不是作为干扰和触发。争议。

几十年来,公司和政府机构将工程和建设视为“必要的邪恶”,而不是核心业务不可或缺的一部分。工程和施工部门在雷达下飞行,只要没有什么明显的糟糕发生,并且很少对实现Leap-Frog Innovation负责。


The CII study ranked 36 companies on a maturity scale that delineates the level of value and strategic thinking that engineering-construction-facilities departments provide to the internal business partners they serve. Many of the companies are clearly linking the successful execution of a capital program to key corporate metrics. One top manager, Ron May, executive vice president of DTE Energy, said his company “can link the execution of the capital program and its projects directly to return on investment and earnings, which correspondingly supports our growth plans. It is the way we ensure that our capital program is supporting the financial objectives of the enterprise.”

But many companies are not. The engineering and construction departments of these companies have not achieved a seat at the highest corporate strategic table and are not influencing capital asset decisions made at that highest level of the corporation. This is a problem.

这不仅仅是一个“所有者”的问题:它是革命制度党marily an A/E/C problem. Who else will help an owner achieve breakthrough results related to schedule, cost, quality and safety? Who else will position these departments to be the heroes of their organizations, enabling speed to market, organizational nimbleness and corporate financial success related to share price and return on investment?

And it is not a problem that is going away. In the CURT study, over 78% of firms indicated that their operating environment has become more volatile over the past few years, and 86% believe it will become more volatile in the next few years. The CURT study identified that it is not enough to consistently deliver a given capital program. Agility in meeting the ever-changing needs of the corporation is a critical issue. Organizational agility involves the constant and strategic use of the prefix “re”: reviewing, redefining, reallocating, reassigning, redesigning, redeploying, renegotiating, revisioning.

如何many times have you, a contractor or engineering firm, been frustrated by an owner’s changing needs? Have you lambasted them for changing the project scope? Perhaps you need to take the time to understand the business drivers of that change and how your firm can support the agility of the corporation. Perhaps you can place your company in the shoes of a corporation that is probably fighting to survive in a dog-eat-dog global economy, which requires nearly continuous changes in products, services, and technology. It might be worthwhile. Think of the value your company could add if it understood an owner’s business drivers.
