帕特里克·纳格尔(Patrick Nagle)
帕特里克·纳格尔(Patrick Nagle)

帕特里克·纳格尔(Patrick Nagle)became CEO of Paris-based Freyssinet International just weeks before the specialty contractor saw the late August debut of the results of one its largest-ever contracts—for design and installation of the record-setting deck and cable-stay system on the $3-billion hybrid cable-stay and suspension Yavuz Sultan Selim road-rail bridge over the Bosporus waterway, north of Istanbul.

Freyssinet说,这座长达2164米长的桥梁包括世界上最长的缆车跨度。它的1,408米长304 m,比俄罗斯在弗拉基沃斯托克的俄罗斯岛桥纪录持有者长304 m。

这座土耳其桥的重装59米宽的甲板由悬架电缆支撑,176座可长达588 m。Freyssinet S.A.处理了与韩国现代工程与建筑的合资企业以及SK E&C的合资企业的分包合同下的电缆系统和甲板盒,该公司拥有约7亿美元的主交钥匙合同。



Freyssinet将不孤单地针对迪拜计划的细长电缆保持塔的大型电缆合同,预计将上升900 m以上。该项目由西班牙建筑师 /工程师圣地亚哥·卡拉特拉瓦(Santiago Calatrava)设计,明年可能会在2020年竞标。


In the past 10 years, he has moved the firm from its traditional cable-stay work into bridge-deck erection, doubling sales, he says. While revenue has recently leveled off, the firm is, overall, “in a growth trend,” he claims. Nagle projects Freyssinet’s 7,500 global employees will generate about $840 million in revenue in 2016.

作为首席执行官,英国出生的纳格尔成功Manuel Peltier他成为Vinci Soletanche Freyssinet部门的首席执行官,该单位控制着Freyssinet International和其他四家公司,共有22,000名员工。Peltier成功了Benoît de Ruffray,被任命为法国承包商Eiffage的首席执行官皮埃尔·伯杰(Pierre Berger)in 2015.
