杜克能源公司(Duke Energy)已同意从北卡罗来纳州Yadkin River沿岸的三个未铺设的坑中删除所有500万吨煤灰,以解决该公用事业公司估计的45亿美元遗产清理。

In an Oct. 5 U.S. district court settlement of 2014 lawsuits by environmental groups Yadkin Riverkeeper and Waterkeeper Alliance, Duke agreed to remove the ash containing toxic heavy metals from pits that total 119 acres at the Buck Steam Station in Salisbury. It will be recycled into concrete or put in lined landfills away from the river and from groundwater and drinking water sources.

一位女发言人说,该公用事业公司将建造一个将在两年内完成的处理器,以从灰烬中清除碳。她说,杜克能源公司(Duke Energy)在几个州拥有14个植物的32个煤灰盆地,并达成了挖掘23的协议。

Six of the remaining nine sites are in North Carolina, where state law requires the firm to install three recycling units. It has set locations for two. Duke “is making additional significant investments in technology designed to reprocess coal ash from basins,” the company said.


The court said in 2015 that it could not conclude the state was diligently prosecuting Duke in good faith, said the law center, which has pending suits against six remaining North Carolina sites. Duke reached a $6-million state pact in September related to the 2014 spill of nearly 40,000 tons of coal ash into the Dan River.

法律中心高级律师弗兰克·霍尔曼(Frank Holleman)说:“杜克(Duke)一次与他们作战。”

霍尔曼说,2013年,包括杜克能源(Duke Energy)在内的南卡罗来纳州公用事业公司与法律中心达成了一项协议,以从那里的未铺设储物坑中挖掘煤灰,回收或放入衬里的垃圾填埋场。杜克在该州有两个地点。



