George L. Nash Jr.总部位于英国的设计公司Atkins任命了行业资深人士和AECOM顶级高管George L. Nash Jr.作为其北美部门的首席执行官,取代L. Joe Boyer三年后,他于2月辞职。Nash, who takes the role on Oct. 31, was AECOM group president of energy, infrastructure and industrial construction since 2014, when it acquired URS Corp. He had been president and chief operating officer of that firm’s energy and construction division, which included work in power, industrial, infrastructure, mining, oil and gas, and federal environmental sectors.

阿特金斯北美首席运营官巴里·舒尔茨(Barry Schulz)和CFODavid Quinnhave been leading the Tampa, Fla.-based unit. Boyer now is the Austin-based CEO of construction and program management at Bernhard Capital Partners, a role he assumed in August, says his Linked-In profile.

Miles Bernard,,,,managing director of U.K.-based Mouchel Consulting Ltd., will join Montreal design giant WSP Global in an undisclosed executive role in London following the Canadian firm’s continued European expansion in its $92-million purchase of the British firm from contractor Kier Group, announced on Oct. 12.



Kier于去年6月收购了Mouchel,当时该公司的母公司MRBL Ltd.为其国家高速公路管理和维护和设施管理运营购买了MRBL Ltd.。据基尔称,当时,Mouchel集团主要在英国雇用6,500名员工,占销售额的85%。

WSP’s Parsons Brinckerhoff unit also named爱德华多·马丁内斯(Eduardo Martinez)a senior vice president and managing director of the Miami buildings practice. He was executive vice president at Cosentini Associates. Also hired as a senior VP and Southeast region business manager for transportation and infrastructure is帕梅拉·汤森(Pamela Townsend)。她是Dewberry的高级副总裁。

莎拉Kuchera从WSP/PB的达拉斯办事处的工作室负责人,总部位于旧金山的加利福尼亚建筑物实践的董事总经理。该公司还雇用了Drew Galloway作为新泽西州纽瓦克市的副总裁兼运输和铁路计划主管,他曾担任费城Amtrak计划副总裁。

RailWorks Corp., a New York City track and transit systems construction firm, has named凯文·里德特(Kevin Riddett)总裁兼首席执行官。最近,他曾担任西门子流动部门的总裁,该部门负责其北美铁路和智能交通管理系统部门的投资组合。

丹尼尔·雷诺兹(Daniel P. Reynolds)已加入普罗维登斯(Providence)的Gilbane Building Co.,担任执行副总裁。他曾是沃尔什集团(Walsh Group)的部门首席运营官兼高级副总裁。他还是CH2M Hill的前高级副总裁兼建筑董事总经理。

Grw,肯塔基州列克星敦,工程,建筑和地理空间顾问,已晋升Brad Montgomery给总统。他成功罗恩·吉尔克森,现在是董事长。蒙托马利(Montomery)是一名34年的老将,也是肯塔基州美国咨询工程师委员会的现任主席,也是美国水工厂协会的董事会成员。

HNTB Corp. has named Senior Vice PresidentSanja Zlatanic担任其国家隧道实践主席的新角色。她总部位于纽约市,指挥隧道和地下项目,并领导着运输和水资源部门的全球地下业务发展;18luck官网她继续担任首席隧道工程师。该公司也提升了凯文·霍夫里奇(Kevin Hoeflich)to toll services chairman. Also a senior VP, he had been vice chairman.

Geosyntec Consultants Inc. has elevated彼得·泽布(Peter Zeeb)致总统兼首席执行官,成功鲁道夫·波拿巴,这位20年的退伍军人。Zeeb曾是马萨诸塞州的一名高级主要水理学家,他于1999年加入Geosyntec。Bonaparte成为董事长,并将在佐治亚理工学院任教。

itu告:Ray W. Clough,地震工程领域的先驱 - 1950年代居住在10月8日。他是96岁。

Ray W. CloughAt the time of his death, Clough was professor emeritus of civil and environmental engineering at the University of California, Berkeley, where he taught from 1950 to 1995. While there, in 1956, he co-authored a classic paper on the finite-element method of structural analysis, which revolutionized the design of buildings and other structures, such as dams. Finite-element analysis (FEA) became routinely used in engineering.

1960年代在伯克利,Clough开创性的用于计算机地震分析的方法是对商业计算机程序的基础,例如SAP 2000。

伯克利结构工程学教授杰克·P·莫赫尔(Jack P.分析钢筋混凝土结构。” Moehle说。“他并不经常为此引用。”


克拉夫为他的工作获得了许多荣誉,包括地震工程研究所的乔治·W·休·休斯纳奖章。他是美国国家科学院和国家工程学院的成员。1994年,威廉·克林顿(William J. Clinton)总统为克拉夫(Clough)颁发了全国科学勋章,原因是对FEA,结构动态和地震工程领域的杰出贡献。