Louisiana, recently awarded more than $400 million in federal aid to recover from August and March floods,says它的需求要大得多,并增加了较早的联邦维修和恢复资金要求。

Gov. John Bel Edwards (D), in an Oct. 20to President Obama, welcomed $438 million in Housing and Urban Development disaster-relief block grants it was授予a week earlier, but, citing updated estimates, requested an additional $4 billion.

爱德华兹说,其中包括33亿美元的HUD Block赠款,超出了10月份的授予。他说,路易斯安那州目前对所有者占用住房的未满足需求的估计为28亿美元,并指出在某些地区,有80%的房屋遭受了洪水损失。

He also requested $39 million in Federal Highway Administration emergency-relief funds for road and bridge repairs.

Edwards on Sept. 12 had asked Obama for a total of $2.8 billion in HUD grants.

It would be up to Congress to provide additional funds for Louisiana. The next opportunity would come in the post-election lame duck session. An expected wide-ranging appropriations package could be a vehicle for further emergency aid for Louisiana, and for North Carolina and other southeast states hammered in October by Hurricane Matthew.

Congress must act on appropriations by Dec. 9, when a current stopgap continuing resolution expires.



HUD said it used Federal Emergency Management Agency data outlining the greatest amount of “unmet housing need.” It determined that those areas included six counties in Louisiana, three in Texas and two in West Virginia.


HUD will issue a Federal Register notice soon spelling out the criteria for using the grants. It said the aid can go for a wide range of purposes, including redeveloping housing, aiding businesses and repairing infrastructure.

Meanwhile, federal post-Matthew funds continue to move to states in the southeast. South Carolina on Oct. 20已收到$1 million in Federal Highway Administration emergency-relief funds to help it start the most critical repairs to roads, highways and bridges damaged by Matthew.

FHWA said that there is widespread transportation damage in 13 South Carolina counties.

FHWA管理员格雷戈里·纳多(Gregory Nadeau)表示,FHWA对南卡罗来纳州的援助是联邦赫鲁里卡后资金的第一部分。

The South Carolina Dept. of Transportation reported via Twitter on Oct. 23 that the州公路和桥梁封闭的数量急剧下降,to 61 as of that date, down from a peak of 481 on Oct. 10.

SCDOT秘书克里斯蒂·霍尔(Christy Hall)在10月21日表示,有1,600多名维护人员正在清理道路上的碎屑,并监测可能影响桥梁的河流。

FHWA on Oct. 12sent北卡罗来纳州500万美元的麦芽后紧急维修援助。

Story updated on Oct. 24 with 10/23 figures on South Carolina road and bridge closures.