University of Arizona Cancer Center

hensel phelps
所有者/开发人员University of Arizona on Behalf of the Arizona Board of Regents
Lead Design FirmZimmer Gunsul Frasca Partnership
Structural EngineerMartin, White & Griffis Structural Engineers
Civil EngineerDibble&Associates咨询工程师
议员工程师Affiliated Engineers
照明DesignFrancis Krahe & Associates
SubcontractorsColin Gordon Associates; Jensen Hughes; Lerch Bates


The project, which originated in 2010 but did not break ground until 2013, posed a strategic challenge for the design-build team as it had to coordinate with both owner/developer University of Arizona and tenant Dignity Health to ensure the final product met the needs of each department that would operate in the facility.

“一个公共所有者和私人实体企业s differently,” says Blake Christian, Hensel Phelps project manager. “The private entity had 29 different departments that we had to coordinate with, so that was a significant challenge on the structural level.”

The design-build team overcame this hurdle by regularly coordinating with Dignity and University of Arizona staff and medical professionals, says Marcia Gruber-Page, vice president of oncology services for the center.

The economic downturn further complicated the project as the university decreased its initial $100-million budget to $74 million in 2012. The project team had to scale down the budget while still adhering to the inter-governmental agreement between the university and the city of Phoenix, which included the submission for permit within three months and start of construction in four months.


Other changes included leaving the fifth floor unimproved, which reduced some administrative services that had been planned for that space.

“Because the building wasn’t starting up at 100% on Day 1, [and] because it had some planned growth in it, we were able to accommodate some of the administrative spaces dispersed throughout the remainder of the floors closer to their departments,” says Christian.

In the end, Hensel Phelps and ZGF reduced the square footage by roughly 9% without losing any of the scope or making significant changes to the envelope.

Four months after the initial budget reduction, Hensel Phelps began foundation work on the now 220,000-sq-ft facility.





From there, Hensel Phelps and subcontractors faced the challenge of delivering the facility on an accelerated time line while also making sure it met the extensive utility needs and many points of connection for the required medical equipment, including two linear accelerators.

“To be more successful, the end user has to pick and commit to those pieces of equipment early on so the designers can design in all of the utilities [and] then do BIM to coordinate all of utilities in advance of construction,” says Christian. “The end users did commit to equipment early on, and designers rapidly incorporated them in documents.”

BIM experience was also one criterion Hensel Phelps used when selecting contractors.

Bel-Aire Mechanagical的高级项目经理Robert Dustman说:“我总是说BIM全部或全无,所以您得到了您的付出。”“我们有所有有兴趣提供信息以插入3D模型的交易,因为您不能真正建模您不纳入该模型的内容。我们有100%的贸易参与,这确实是这样的项目。”

In order to accommodate the unknowns of the equipment, Hensel Phelps reengineered the slab on grade to use macrofibers instead of conventional reinforcement so that when workers had to come back in and trench for underground utilities, they did not have to tear up the whole slab.


The University of Arizona Cancer project also earned an award of merit for safety because of the team’s dedication to safe practices despite an expedited working schedule. The project had zero OSHA recordable incidents with no lost-time accidents in 602,210 total worker hours.

整体站点和工人安全是设计建造团队的主要重点。Hensel Phelps在每个月的第一个月中为每个人举行了范围内的安全会议,并认可获得卓越安全奖的个人工人。

“All of the contractors pulled together early in the project and decided that we would hold regular routine safety award recognition luncheons. Bel-Aire alone had well over 100,000 worker hours without a lost-time injury,” says Dustman.

Hensel Phelps凭借自己的交易(在峰值达到40次达到40次最高),每个星期一举行了半个小时到一个小时的安全培训会议。它还开展了一项内部安全培训计划,所有工匠都必须经过,并在所有员工开始工作之前为所有员工提供了强制性的两个小时的安全导向。


“What we saw is people learning how to do activities in a better way,” says Christian.

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