
我没有分享的突破性消息:美国的基础设施资金不足。土木工程专业中很少有人认为我们国家基础设施的恶化状况是启示的,这是由ASCE 2013年美国基础设施报告卡中报告的D+级平均值证明的。除了我们获得几乎失败的成绩之外,缺乏适当的基础设施投资直接影响了美国的生产力,生活质量,未来的增长和繁荣。



其中之一,建设州际Highway System in the 1950s, is considered one of the greatest public-works projects in history and is one example of a visionary, forward-thinking goal. It would be hard to imagine our country without this transformational project that allowed unparalleled freedom of movement. Another visionary goal was set in 1960, when President John F. Kennedy announced the ambitious goal of sending an American to the moon before the end of the decade. This technological feat inspired Americans to think big.

As a more recent example of a transformational undertaking, Jason McLennan spearheaded the Living Building Challenge, the most progressive and stringent green-building guidance system in the world. Turning the idea for Living Building into a reality, McLennan has geared this new program to help the industry exceed the goals advocated by LEED and other rating systems.


We now have an opportunity to apply bold thinking to shape the future of our country’s infrastructure. ASCE has been a leader in bringing infrastructure issues and solutions to the forefront through initiatives such as the Failure To Act Economic Studies, the ASCE Innovation Contest, #GameChangers and more. The next inspirational goal for all civil engineers, the ASCE Grand Challenge, is meant to drive new ideas in our work.

大挑战赛的想法首先在ASCE的首届创新竞赛中开始发展,该竞赛要求使用其他行业的技术。来自HDR的Jason Magalen的获胜提交调查了使用小型无人驾驶汽车收集有关海岸线的数据的方法。大学生摩根·迪卡洛(Morgan DiCarlo)的另一项获胜提交强调了收集和共享信息可以影响日常用水背后的心理学的方式。这些想法反映了该行业的创新运动。第二次创新竞赛现在正在提交意见,寻求改变土木工程的想法。

ASCE also has launched a Grand Challenge website where you can submit stories about how to make progress. There are other ways to participate, as well, such as asking the right questions at the beginning of projects, including resilience strategies in a request for proposals, or discussing your Grand Challenge ideas with colleagues. A key part of the challenge’s success will be realized when you share your commitment with peers.

过去的陈纯Indu主席stry Leaders Council, I appreciate civil engineers’ enthusiasm about this type of challenge. By 2025, you could be able to say you’ve been a part of the solution and a turning point in infrastructure development. With your commitment, we’ll be on our way to transforming the way we plan, deliver, operate and maintain our nation’s infrastructure. You will help us meet the real challenges of tomorrow.

如果您有专栏的想法,请联系观点编辑Richard Kormanrichard.korman@construction.com.