
司法部在华盛顿特区的美国地方法院法官阿米特·P·梅塔(Amit P.statement


According to DOJ, Frederick, 50, of Upper Marlboro, Md., admitted that, from May 2013 to June 2014, he directed more than $1.7 million from the local to STS Contracting, Greenbelt, Md., without knowledge or approval of the local’s executive board or officials at the union’s headquarters.

STS officials then made payments to Frederick from the diverted funds, the Justice Dept. said. The money went to a $225,000 down payment on a house that Frederick bought and for constructing a garage on that site, as well as more than $600,000 to a company of which Frederick’s wife was a part owner, according to DOJ.

弗雷德里克是当地657年对abo血型的业务经理ut a decade, until June 2014, when LIUNA removed him from his job after the union’s audit and investigation of the charges, according to a September 2015 federal criminalcomplaintfiled in the district court.


A recording said a phone number for STS General Contracting on a business-listing web page was out of service.

liunadid not respond immediately to an ENR request for comment.