In one of the concluding sessions at Bentley Systems' Year in Infrastructure Conference in London, which wrapped up Nov. 3, a panel challenged to envision the path forward for technology development serving the construction of buildings and facilities saw lots of roadwork ahead, but expressed a certain optimism about progress.

行业小组成员在会议上吹捧的Bentley产品的鼓励,以及从宾利(Bentley进入和编辑可以平稳地移动,而不会在其他人之间来回移动。英国设计和工程软件集成商Cadventure董事总经理Elaine Lewis担任“设想前进道路”小组的主持人。

首席执行官格雷格·本特利(Greg Bentley)表示,本特利(Bentley)在早些时候发表的讲话中说,将其产品清单从650减少到650个,并计划朝着这个方向前进。现在,Bentley的“连接”系统正在使用Microsoft Azure服务器,使其能够进入支持其他供应商产品的云服务器,包括Trimble和Bureau Veritas的产品,以与其产品和服务创建的数据开放类似的连接。

正如Thames Tideway隧道的工程信息经理Peter Vale所说的那样,趋势带来了“更少的软件和更多解决方案”。

Panelists drew the conversation into a discussion about the mechanics of data interoperability, the need to stress data quality, data security and the emerging need for what Jugal Makwana, AECOM’s BIM director for Asia-Pacific business technology solutions and global IT, called a “data consumption manager.”

Makwana说:“在过去的几年中,我们一直在谈论创建数据,但现在是关于我们如何消耗数据的方式(这就是重点的位置) - 设计的消费,建筑的消费,” Makwana说。“我们有一个信息经理,但现在我们需要的更多是消费经理。”

Security was one of the needs that a consumption manager would be called upon to address, the panelists agreed. In a given building information model, for example, suggested Peter Taylor, engineering system manager, TSP Project, the layout of the private chambers of a university president in a new building could be the kind of sensitive information that should not be generally shared along with other construction data, but determining who should see it and controlling that access to data is a job description still to be written.

“We have to make sure that just as the designers are designing properly, we also are sharing information that is appropriate. “Are the people who are creating ‘all that data’ the right ones to ‘evaluate the consequences’ of having all that data?” he asked rhetorically.

Makwana noted that the primary data consumption method now is by exchange of a model, but said that there are other ways to go about sharing data, including Bentley’s iModels and the company’s expanding “connect” services.


总部位于洛杉矶的建筑公司形态设计技术总监Cory Brugger表明,前进将涉及建立新的关系。“我们如何克服信托障碍?”他问。“在我们这一边,我们做得非常沉重:我们的大多数项目都是设计,出价,构建,但随后我们将一组程序写入了规格。18luck官网

“We’re gone direct to fabrication on a design-bid-build project, which involves us taking a risk. [But] You have to put yourself in the room and be willing to get contractors the information they need to move forward with the processes.

“You can’t move forward without taking risks. And as a profession, that’s one of the things that should change. We need open communication and reliability of information, and that’s part of the end goal of producing a better product—which is what we are all really supposed to be doing!”

iModels themselves came under considerable discussion because, as Taylor, suggested, “there is a general lack of knowledge and competency in the workforce about iModels.”


“In principle, it is lightweight—but in our own work we see that it can be huge. We need to be thinking about what the deliverable is, and the iModel is just a method of being able to exchange,” Taylor said. “It isn’t easy,” he added, “—and we get wowed by this sexy stuff—while in reality a lot of effort has gone into that deliverable."


But if the discussion of issues to be resolved to progress on the path forward turned into a mapping out of a work in progress, it also was indicative of a general optimism on the panel that there is a clear path forward.

正如彼得·维尔(Peter Vale)所说,“您感觉机会!我们已经超越了这一点,而不仅仅是绘制线条和弧线,而不仅仅是智能内容 - 我们已经超越了它。这是向用户提供信息进行设计和分析的整个界面 - 整个工作方式都有更改的机会。这就是令人兴奋的一点……您不知道这是什么,但是您有一种感觉,一切都在一起。
