As President-elect Donald J. Trump starts to assemble a team of advisers to staff his administration, the construction industry is parsing his post-election comments for inklings about his priorities and plans when he takes office in January.

Industry executives like Trump’s ambitious infrastructure ideas but await more details. Says one contractor firm executive, “Trump says the right things, but will he follow through?” They also realize that—even in a Congress under Republican control, although with slightly diminished majorities—a long path lies ahead. One engineering firm CEO speculates that Trump “could be at odds with Congress even more than Obama.”

各方都希望,新政府的监管政策将朝着商业利益的角度急剧倾斜,包括对奥巴马政府环境和与劳动力有关的规则的回调。代表承包商和工程公司的团体支持这种预期的变化,但环境团体和工会却没有。承诺逆转气候变化条约和温室气体排放路缘,促使塞拉俱乐部执行董事迈克尔·布鲁恩(Michael Brune)承诺,团体将努力努力退缩规则。他说:“在接下来的四年中,我们不会处于防御性蹲伏。”

A post-election statement by Robert Ivy, CEO of the American Institute of Architectsalso elicited a backlash from members, according to Architectural Record, ENR's sister publication,generating an apology from the group and plans for more dialogue with its community on issues.


建筑小组支持该想法。美国联合承包商首席执行官史蒂夫·桑德尔(Steve Sandherr)表示:“我们渴望与行政和立法部门合作,以推进新的基础设施投资,并确定并实现可持续,长期和可靠的方式为其付款。”北美建筑工会的发言人说:“基础设施至关重要,不仅对我们的会员资格,而且对国家和我们的经济。”

特朗普首先呼吁制定一项基础设施计划,该计划将是“至少”的民主党候选人希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)的2750亿美元,五年的倡议。后来,他提出了一项1万亿美元的10年计划。但是,缺乏细节。

To clarify the plan’s financing, two Trump senior policy advisers, private-equity investor Wilbur Ross and University of California, Irvine, professor Peter Navarro, in an Oct. 27 report said it would involve private investment in projects with revenue streams, such as toll roads. They said a $1-trillion program would require $167 billion in private equity. To attract those dollars, the administration would provide tax credits of $137 billion. Ross and Navarro said the credits would be repaid by revenue from income taxes from workers on the projects and taxes on contractors’ profits.

But a more recent Trump team infrastructure statement clouds the issues of how large the plan will be and what types of projects it will include. A post-election posting on the web page for Trump’s transition discusses a $550-billion plan. Robert Murray, Dodge Data & Analytics vice president for economic affairs, suggests the figure may reflect a shortening of the time period to five years from 10. The new Trump statement also refers to only transportation infrastructure.


In a Nov. 9 note, Andrew Wittmann, lead construction industry analyst for investment firm Robert W. Baird Inc., said he was “incrementally positive” on E&C-sector stocks post-presidential election, “though not rushing in,” citing risks to industry firms of proposed protectionist policies and reduced support of alternative energy.

行业官员希望基础设施立法将突破国会山游击党的战斗。美国工程公司委员会政府事务副总裁史蒂夫·霍尔(Steve Hall)说:“随着国会的更高利润,这可能是他们实际上可以取得进展的少数共识问题之一。”


Some see possible tax-reform legislation as a vehicle for a trust-fund solution. The National Electrical Contractors Association would like to see a tax measure that includes repealing the estate tax and tax-rate reductions for smaller firms, says Marco Giamberardino, executive director for government affairs.


共和党人将51个参议院席位,民主党人s hold 48, including two Independents who caucus with them. That compares with a 54-46 Republican-Democratic/Independent pre-election split. The GOP, which won all but two Senate races rated as toss-ups, is expected to get a 52nd seat after votes are counted in a Louisiana runoff in December. One GOP winner in the Senate was incumbent Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), who bested challenger Rep. Patrick Murphy (D), son of the chairman of Coastal Construction.

The House will have 239 Republicans and 193 Democrats, with three races undecided. The breakdown now is 246-186, plus two vacant seats. In Florida, Republican Francis Rooney, chairman of construction firm Rooney Holdings, Naples, Fla., won his race for a U.S. House seat.

Trump’s election “has to bolster our efforts at revisiting these rules and scaling them back to a fairly significant degree.”
— Steve Hall, Vice President, Government Affairs

Industry executives predict that Trump will seek to cancel or ease Obama administration regulations. Industry targets include the “blacklisting” rule, which requires contractors to verify compliance with workplace-related statutes to qualify for federal work. Also on industry’s list is a rule revising compensation levels at which employers must pay overtime. Hall says Trump’s election “has to bolster our efforts at revisiting these rules and scaling them back to a fairly significant degree.”


但是,东密苏里州劳工区议会的业务经理加里·埃利奥特(Gary Elliott)说,法规“存在是有原因的,”他注意到,他的担心是,在不久的将来,对安全性的放松管制(例如二氧化硅规则)将发生在新政府中。

Energy companies also seek regulatory changes. “With the oil and natural-gas industry facing 145 regulations or other policy-setting activities that could discourage production, preventing regulatory overreach should be a top priority,” said Jack Gerard, American Petroleum Institute president and CEO. One rule Trump probably will aim at is Obama’s Clean Power Plan, which seeks to curb power-plant emissions. Scott Segal, a lobbyist with the Bracewell Policy Resolution Group, said court challenges to the rule may succeed in blocking it, or the Trump administration could push new rulemaking. Trump also may revisit Obama’s decision to halt construction of a 1,900-kilometer segment of the Keystone XL oil pipeline.

在国外,有着美国利益的人密切关注这些变化。英国阿特金斯(Atkins)首席执行官Uwe Krueger欢迎私人项目融资的税收抵免,但指出需要“明确的政策建议”。

Others are more concerned. "Investors don’t like any degree of uncertainty, and the possibility of major change in political direction of the USA may well cause international investors to take stock and simply do nothing for a few months. This restriction of investment, even in the short term, will have an effect on construction as the number of projects being funded will fall," Ann Bentley, the U.K.-based global chairman of cost consultant Rider Levett Bucknall told ENR.



But Trump's infrastructure push, with greater private investment in projects—if they occur—"will almost certainly attract international players—so that could be very positive for the global construction market," she points out.

“2016 appears to be the year of political decisions that will alter the fabric of the major markets we all work in.” Bentley saidin a bylined Nov. 9 opinion在英国建筑出版物大楼。
