Over the past two years, construction industry executives have observed that, after the 2007-10 recession, the market’s long recovery seemed to be running out of steam. But the unexpected election of Donald Trump last month has caused a surge in optimism that the recovery has not peaked and still may have legs.

行业信心指数68The ENR Construction Industry Confidence Index rose sharply for the fourth quarter. It shows that, of the 213 executives of large construction and design firms responding to the survey, most believe market growth will continue through the end of 2017. The CICI index was 68 on a scale of 100, up 10 points from the third quarter.





此外,新泽西州普林斯顿建筑金融管理协会最新的Confindex调查的即将发布的结果表明,同样,高管对2017年的商店更加乐观。CFMA每个季度都会对一般和民事承包商以及潜艇的200 CFO进行调查。

“The overall Confindex showed a significant gain in the fourth quarter, rising from 122 in the third quarter to 127,” says Stuart Binstock, CEO of CFMA. All four components of the Confindex rose in the fourth quarter, he notes. The “general business conditions” component was up six points, to 129; the “financial conditions” component was up four points, to 125; the “current market conditions” was up to 129 from 126, and the “year-ahead outlook” rose seven points, to 124, he says.

总统大选似乎刺激了日益增长的乐观情绪。经济顾问Sage Policy Group Inc.,Baltimore和CFMA顾问的首席执行官Anirban Basu说:“调查结果遍布它们。”他说,行业高管喜欢特朗普承诺削减法规并增加基础设施支出的想法。巴苏说:“此外,有了共和党参议院和众议院,他应该能够通过更多的举措。”

Another indicator of the “Trump bump” is from the National Association of Home Builders-Wells Fargo National Housing Market Index, which measures NAHB members’ optimism about the single-family-home market. On Dec. 15, NAHB announced the index hit 70 on a scale of 100, the highest it has been since July 2005.



But Basu says CFMA members worry that a steadily growing market will put pressure on labor and materials costs. He notes that 55% of respondents say margins are improving now, but only 40% say margins will continue to improve in the year ahead.



A rising market also may raise materials prices. Nearly 60% of CICI survey respondents said they have seen upward pressure on materials’ costs. But there may be additional inflationary pressures. “The president-elect has spoken of more restrictive trade policies,” says Basu. The possibility of trade tariffs could raise prices of imported materials, such as copper and other metals critical to construction, he says.


