通过热烈的党派第114届国会驾驶立法是一场斗争,因此建筑和水产业官员很高兴看到一项大型基础设施法案登上终点线也就不足为奇了 - 《国家法案》的水基础设施改善。但是,Wiin Act的项目获得建筑资金要花很长时间。18luck官网




John Doyle, special counsel with law and lobbying firm Jones Walker LLP, says that getting Corps projects authorized is “a major milestone, to be sure, but by no means [indicates] that the project is ready to go to construction the next day, or is even close to it.”

第一个拨款障碍是为详细的初步工程和设计而获得资金。前陆军民兵官员多伊尔(Doyle)表示,完成设计工作并转移到建筑阶段通常“通常需要两年,有时三年,”。他补充说:“这可能 - 对项目的性质进行辩护,甚至比这更长。”

Three port projects contained in the last water-resources measure, enacted in 2014 —Charleston, Port Everglades, Fla., and Boston harbor—already have a leg up, receiving engineering money in the Corps’ 2016 work plan.

Jim Walker, American Association of Port Authorities director of navigation policy and legislation, notes that others from 2014 are still waiting for the federal design dollars. Most of the six port projects in the 2016 WRDA now join the list.


what will the legislative vehicle be for the engineering and design funds? The Corps civil-works program has enjoyed bipartisan support on Capitol Hill. But Doyle says the likelihood “is probably pretty low” that all the 2016 WRDA projects will get engineering funds in the 2017 spending package that succeeds the recently enacted stopgap continuing resolution. The CR expires on April 28.

Another possibility is the appropriations measure for fiscal 2018, which begins on Oct. 1, 2017.



Still, the WIIN Act and its WRDA section represent a victory for construction and water groups. If the 114th Congress had failed to pass a water-resources bill before it adjourned, the 115th Congress would have had to start from scratch on a new measure. That would have made the waiting time for engineering and construction funds that much longer.