
Despite much progress over the years, the health and well-being of jobsite workers is as great a concern as ever. Starting withCNA Financial的报告该建筑工人比其他任何工人都使用阿片类止痛药,并继续进行数据表明,建筑工程区域发生了事故,似乎多年的安全进度开始消失了。一项研究显示,当安全滑倒时,它通常会反映出项目的总体工作质量。新利luck


最引人注目的安全故事之一是在2014年发生的一次工作意外事故,当时一名铁工队在贝勒大学的一条冷河倒入一条冷河之后淹死了。4月,铁工一家在民事诉讼中的陪审团下令该项目涉及的几个承包商支付1,770万美元的赔偿金(可以提出判决)。故事中描述的一系列事件链"Fateful Decisions in Death of a Construction Worker,"was one of the most viewed on ENR.com.

建筑工业学院一年一度的有限公司nference in Maryland in August, an impatience was palpable regarding the rising fatality rates in construction. After years of cutting down injuries yet failing to do the same for fatalities, a CII committee presented a risk-management tool geared to high-impact, low-frequency events. The CII committe compiled 16 common precursors to severe, potentially deadly accidents. Essentially, the system identifies whether any combination of the precursors exists and then calculates the aggregate risk.

The year proved to be another tough one for some bridges and bridge designs. On Jan. 10, the deck of the new Nipigon River Bridge, about 60 miles from Thunder Bay, Ontario, split apart under uplift forces from the bridge cables. No motorists sustained injuries. An investigation turned upinadequate connections that were supposed to have secured the bridge deck。甲板在分裂位置的向上位移约为两英尺。

当行人桥在2014年在北卡罗来纳州大学校园倒塌时,桥梁设计的错误席卷了该项目的设计工程师,涉及许多调查和合法的纠缠。斯图尔特工程公司(Stewart Engineering疏忽或不当行为。”对于所谓的设计错误,Macia面临一系列罚款,包括吊销或吊销。听证会将于2017年举行。