“他不是世界上最卑鄙的人,”一位长期的同事米勒·戈里(Miller Gorrie),他是位于阿拉巴马州伯明翰市的创始人,在Gorrie接受Enr采访之前,总部位于阿拉巴马州伯明翰的重量级Brasfield&Gorrie。新利luck

And it’s true that Gorrie is remarkably self-effacing for someone who has, over his career from age 28, used his life savings—all $45,000 of it—to jump-start his own construction firm and then grown it into one of the region’s largest and most successful contractors. With more than 2,600 employees working across the Southeast as well as Texas, Brasfield & Gorrie has earned the respect of competitors and clients alike.



米勒·戈里(Miller Gorrie)以第一名和承包商的身份描述自己,并获得了承包商的第二名,获得了奥本大学的土木工程学位。在与几家建筑和工程公司一起工作之后,他既喜欢野外工作又有机会来建造事物。

1964年,购买托马斯·布拉斯菲尔德公司(Thomas C.

“If you have the best people, you will end up on top,” he says. “And we’re fortunate that we’ve been able to attract them to our company and reward them for their contributions.”


“When people win, they get respect,” explains Smith, who has collaborated with Gorrie on several civic and charitable campaigns. “There’s no ego about him, which is pretty remarkable given all he’s accomplished.”

The literal and figurative foundation for many of those accomplishments stem from Gorrie’s firsthand experience with reinforced concrete structures, gained during an early-career stint with the Daniel Corp.’s construction arm.


When Daniel Corp. phased out its construction business in the 1970s, Brasfield & Gorrie snapped up its top field people, thereby gaining in-house experience with heavy concrete construction that gave the company an edge over other general contractors that relied extensively on specialty firms. The move also ideally positioned Brasfield & Gorrie for a boom in condominium construction along the Gulf Coast. From 1979 to 1984, the firm built more than 30 buildings, multiplying both its workforce and revenue in the process.

But as demand in that market diminished, Gorrie was faced with a decision—shrink or seek footholds in new markets. It turned out to be a simple choice.


Brasfield&Gorrie最初进入亚特兰大和奥兰多的最初涉足最终演变为该公司最大的卫星运营,最终导致加入卡罗来纳州,田纳西州和德克萨斯州。当前的项目包括普18luck官网利司通美洲的30层,纳什维尔的23200万美元总部;Avidxchange在夏洛特的200,000平方英尺总部;还有五层楼,340,000平方英尺的M.T.塔拉哈西纪念卫生保健校园的野性外科塔。Brasfield&Gorrie也是合资企业建筑Sun Trust Park的一部分,Sun Trust Park是亚特兰大勇士队在佐治亚州科布县的6.75亿美元球场。

但是,并非Gorrie职业生涯中的所有决定都成为赢家。在1970年代,该公司的第一个公寓项目之一是伯明翰,几乎沉没了他的年轻公司,因为正如Gorrie回忆的那样,“18luck官网我们对建造它们所需的方式误解了。”当时的Union Brasfield&Gorrie的错误正在使用较少技能的外部劳动来完成这项工作,从而导致了许多质量问题。



Gorrie has demonstrated the same kind of loyalty in many ways over the ensuing years, sometimes helping clients with projects awarded to other contractors.

”他使用一个短语,捐赠者和接受者,”字符表示lie Tickle, chairman and CEO of Daniel Corp., who has worked with Gorrie on projects for more than 30 years. “Not everyone can be one or the other all the time and succeed in business, but Miller is a giver. He never tries to get the last word or the last contract.”

Perhaps the best-known example of Gorrie’s golden rule philosophy came in 2003, when a project owner’s legal issues brought Brasfield & Gorrie’s work on Birmingham’s half-finished 1-million-sq-ft “hospital of the future” to a screeching halt. Unsure when or if the project would be restarted, or if Brasfield & Gorrie would recoup its own investment in the job, Gorrie nevertheless made sure subcontractors and vendors were paid.

“没有人看到这一点,但他加紧帮助,”长期布拉斯菲尔德和戈里客户的American Cast Iron Pipe Co.总裁兼首席执行官Van Richey回忆说。“之后,这些公司将在任何地方跟随他。当他下一份工作的时候,他们都想为他工作。”

该项目最终将在2016年的Grandview Medical Center(Enr Ensheast 11/7/16p。8)中重新启动(10年中断)。新利luck但是,当时,戈里说,重要的是,突然闲置的公司不会因为无法控制的事情而受苦。


吉姆·戈里(Jim Gorrie)说,Grandview只是他父亲公平竞争感的一个例子。


It also inspires them to find ways to commemorate their trust in Miller Gorrie. In 2006, colleagues, friends, clients and employees quietly contributed funds to have the new 33,000-sq-ft home for Auburn University’s School of Building Design named the M. Miller Gorrie Construction Center.

Jim Gorrie says his father could not have been more surprised or humbled by the honor. Having often joked that buildings are named for those who have donated a lot of money or are dead, “he was quite pleased to see his name on a building for another reason,” Jim Gorrie says with a laugh.

对于米勒·戈里(Miller Gorrie)来说,一个更令人满意的遗产将是构建布拉斯菲尔德和戈里(Brasfield&Gorrie),以表现出色。毫不奇怪,他认为人们是确保结果的关键要素,尽管它使用了1964年闻所未闻的技能和工具。


Even so, not everything has changed since 1964. Even after more than a half-century, Gorrie says, “I still enjoy the business.”