Greg MellaGreg Mella
ENR 5/30-6/6/16 p. 12
Leading the design team for the first U.S. commercial building permitted to turn rain into drinking water.

2014年8月7日,建筑师Greg米拉为VA的弗吉尼亚海滩迈出了Supersainable Brock Environment Center的设计团队,乘车被一辆汽车撞到了华盛顿,D.C.的影响穿过他的正确胫骨平台并撕裂他的旋转袖口,发生在10,000平方英尺的布洛克中心前大约四个月,这是美国的第一个商业建筑物,允许将雨水视为饮用标准。

蜜剂是六个月和phy残疾ical therapy for a year. But he kept working on Brock. He used Skype and his cellphone’s dictation feature to stay in contact with the team. In November, he went to the site. “I did wind up punch-listing the center in a wheelchair,” says the 47-year-old Mella, director of sustainable design for SmithGroupJJR. While Brock is accessible, Mella’s wheelchair tour taught him that exceeding accessibility minimums by as little as an inch can make a big difference to those in wheelchairs.

Mella learns from all his experiences, which he says makes him smarter. One early-career lesson is that architects should stay involved with their buildings after construction is finished and even conduct occupant comfort surveys. By staying engaged with Brock, Mella learned a lesson he is sharing with others. After reports of a metallic taste in the water, an investigation determined that the rainwater, which is intrinsically soft, was corroding the copper pipes. The problem was fixed by adding a water hardener to the stored water.

作为一个28岁的蛋白酶,揭示了Smithgroup团队,设计了第一个LEED-PLATINUM建筑 - 菲利普Merrill Environment中心,在安纳波利斯。像Brock那样,该建筑物于2001年开放,由Chesapeake Bay Foundation(CBF)拥有和占据。

Brock, with its combo of photovoltaics and wind-turbine energy, produces 83% more power than it uses. Last year, it was designated a Living Building by the International Living Future Institute, which administers a rigorous green-building certification program.


Mella last spring became director of sustainable design. His latest campaign, which he says makes Brock look easy, is to change the collective mind-set of his design colleagues at the 1,000-person, multidisciplinary SmithGroupJJR to routinely design buildings with improved performance—whether or not a client asks for it. Mella figures that if practitioners embrace available tools, they can easily increase performance by 5%. “That would be worth 100 Brocks,” he says.

To get to his goal, he is developing some “cool ideas” that rely on competition among the firm’s designers.

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