Chris Van BeekChris van Beek
ENR 10/17/16 p. 12
Dutch marine construction veteran leads Deepwater Wind team to build an industry-leading wind farm off the Rhode Island coast.

对于深水风,Sma​​ll绝对更好。该开发商在美国的成功完成,在美国的五翼岛30兆瓦的街区风电场(Rhode Island Coast)取得了成功的完成,这是美国替代能源的新利基市场,这是第一个在美国水域开始商业运营的此类离岸项目。

Leading the $300-million construction effort involving an array of contractors was company President Chris van Beek, a Dutch native who joined Deepwater Wind after a 25-year career in offshore oil-and-gas construction at Netherlands-based Heerema Marine Contractors.

With no ready supply chain in the U.S. to serve the project, van Beek says he “had to get creative,” leaning on connections from oil-and-gas work in Europe and Mexico. He says construction participants also overcame the “learning curve” of working in unpredictable ocean waters, says van Beek. He says the project, built over two years to accommodate coastal Rhode Island’s rough weather, was completed on budget and schedule, with no contractor claims.

The project had the support of most Block Islanders, who had high diesel oil-fueled power costs. The wind farm is set to produce 125,000 megawatt hours annually and cut per-kilowatt costs for islanders to 24¢ from 60¢.

Also brought on board were state officials anxious to spur a new industry and connect to the mainland grid the generated power via underwater cable installation.

“We had good relationships with authorities on Rhode Island and with the Coast Guard and Army Corps of Engineers,” says van Beek. “We made an effort to work with them and listen.” He sees the project as a clear “template” for others. “We proved we can build without harm to the environment,” he adds.

州长吉娜·雷蒙多(Gina Raimondo)(D)在一份声明中说:“我很荣幸成为美国唯一可以说我们在水中有钢并在海洋上旋转的刀片的州长。”

“Chris is one of the true innovators of the offshore-wind industry. His expertise in offshore construction across the world is unmatched,” says Deepwater Wind CEO Jeffrey Grybowski, an attorney now negotiating new projects for the firm off the Long Island, N.Y., and Maryland coasts. “He’s an exceptional leader who motivates and inspires his team.”
