新利luckEnr采访了LA Metro首席执行官Phillip A. Washington,以了解2月份的大众运输趋势的封面故事。以下是访谈中的其他摘录,凝结和编辑。

What factors went into the successful ballot measure that will pump $120 billion more over the next 40 years for LA projects?

首先,这一成功的关键部分是底色的方法。正是这一想法是出去县政府委员会的九个子区域,并要求他们确定和优先考虑自己的项目,而不是我们只是提出拟议的项目。18luck官网那是成功的巨大关键。我们汇总了绩效指标和评估标准,以评估我们从中收到的项目。18luck官网然后,我们单独评估了这些项目,作为整个系统的一部18luck官网分。这导致了我们对项目的测序。18luck官网另一个关键是我们将本地收益嵌入了计划中。这个县有88个城市 - 谈论试图让这些城市在所有这些方面拥有赌注!当地的回报组件是,城市可以修复当地的街道,坑洼和人行道。

Can you explain this local returns thing a bit more?

For example, we now have $120 billion over 40 years. Of that, $23 billion goes back to the cities—about 17%. The diverse coalition of support around the county was key. I’d point to bold leadership both on board of directors and staff. We’re still writing the guidelines for how to administer all of this. But the key was making it flexible.

How did the city rebound from a failed 2012 measure to extend Measure R in 2008?


What about the office you created at LA Metro—the Office of Extraordinary Innovation?

我们已要求他们研究世界各地的创新,并寻求实施它。我们有一项未经请求的提案政策,希望加速整个县的项目。18luck官网他们提供各种想法 - 操作事物。例如,我们想开始自己的Uber型服务 - 笨拙的车辆和我们自己的驾驶员(到运输设施)的第一英里和最后一英里。

We just had a meeting where we are looking to move unsolicited proposals forward. For example, the Sepulveda Pass [expansion], which is probably worst stretch of road in the country, we’re looking to accelerate by 10-15 years. We’ve put in Measure M some exploratory projects with seed money of $500,000 a year. We have nine unsolicited proposals now. There are really cool ideas like an express train from Union Station to LAX.

What about plans for revamping Union Station?

We want to create a destination around Union Station. One of the things we’re looking at is the possibility of creating a Tax Incremental Financing District, similar to what we did for the Denver station. We capture some of the value from the real estate built around or in the district. So we have talked to the city council. What we want to do is create the district, build out the station to accommodate both us and high-speed rail, and have retail, residential, office space. We envision the station to be a huge destination, not just for traveling through.


Two loans were used in Denver—TIFIA and RRIF (Railroad Rehabilitation & Improvement Financing) loans. They are being paid back at accelerated rates. Before I left [to come to LA Metro], we thought that it would take the first 10 years to start paying down the loan. Right now with the rate of real estate that taken hold, they are seven years ahead of schedule. When the station reopened in 2014, we anticipated $600 million in real estate revenue. It’s been over a $1 billion.


How about the planned transit connections to LAX?

